Economy : Budget, taxes, investments, banking, commerce, industry, import-export, loans, news... |

Haiti - Economy : 5th year of negative GDP in Haiti (Report) 30/12/2023 09:40:28 |
In a national context marked by socio-political instability, worsening insecurity and the massive exodus of the population towards other countries, the Haitian economy has not been able to return to growth during the fiscal year 2022-2023... |
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Haiti - Economy : Launch of the «Together let’s change the city» program 29/12/2023 08:57:32 |
Eric Stromayer, Chargé d'Affaires of the United States Embassy in Haiti, announces the launch in Haiti by « Cities Alliance » of the «Together let’s change the city» (LAVIL) program with the aim of stimulating the provision of services municipal... |
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Haiti - FLASH : Resumption of binational commercial activities at the Dajabón market 16/12/2023 08:46:05 |
Friday December 15, 2023 the day after the destruction of the border gate on the Haitian side with the help of a truck... |
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Haiti - FLASH : Haitians break down the border gate with a container truck (Video) 15/12/2023 05:59:45 |
Thursday, December 14, a container truck driver broke down the Haitian border gate to prevent the Haitian authorities from keeping the border closed. The agents of the Border Police (Polifront), responsible for monitoring... |
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Haiti - Economy : ADIH proposes to the Government a revision of the income tax scale 13/12/2023 08:40:55 |
Let's remember that the scale of the Individual Income Tax (IRI) in Haiti was established on September 29, 2005, on the basis of the minimum wage, set on April 1st, 2003 which was at the time 70.00 Gourdes per day... |
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Haiti - Economy : The Association of Haitian Industries wants more control at the border 30/11/2023 09:00:22 |
The lack of control on the Haitian side of the border with the Dominican Republic threatens the stability of Haiti and contributes to the decline in production, warned the Association of Haitian Industries (ADIH)... |
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Haiti - Economy : South Korea alongside Dame-Marie (Dept. Grande Anse) 30/11/2023 08:51:35 |
20 micro business owners and members of 5 associations, particularly from the fishing and craft sectors... |
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Haiti - Economy : Sharp acceleration in inflation + 3.4% in 1 month 29/11/2023 10:10:29 |
The Haitian Institute of Statistics and Informatics (IHSI) informs that inflation recorded a sharp acceleration in monthly rate + 3.4% in the month of October 2023 against + 2.3% the previous month... |
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Haiti - Economy : Merchants and transporters call for the reopening of the Haitian border 23/11/2023 09:34:04 |
During a press conference at the beginning of the week in the customs premises in Ouanaminthe, representatives of associations of traders and industrialists and leaders of the Union of Drivers and Owners of Ouanaminthe... |
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Haiti - FLASH : A project worth more than 600 million dollars, in the North East, blocked for lack of authorization from the State... 13/11/2023 09:30:17 |
The Ferrier « Oasis Village International » Free Zone project proposed by the Haitian company « Ayiti Développement Industriel International S.A. », the result of a partnership with UPH&BLUE (Spain) which aims to settle in the North-East... |
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