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Haiti - Sports : Samyr Laine, did not win a medal, but proudly represented Haiti 09/08/2012 15:54:03 |
Thursday, August 9th in London as part of the 30th Olympic Games, Samyr Laine [bib 2029], participated in the final of triple jump men, third in order of appearance, alongside of Claye Will of United States of America, Compaore Benjamin of France... |
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Haiti - Education : The courses given by the University Henri Christophe 09/08/2012 14:19:07 |
...Jean-Marie Théodat, President of the Board of Management of the new campus Henri Christophe in Limonade, indicated that the new university whose first academic year is scheduled for October 8, 2012, will propose long courses, short and... |
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Haiti - Politic : «A Partnership for a decade of growth and development» 09/08/2012 13:15:50 |
Tuesday, August 7, the President Michel Martelly, participated in the Session of dialogue of public policy, between the Haitian Government and the InterAmerican Development Bank (IADB), under the theme « A Partnership for a decade... |
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Haiti - Education : Statement of new Minister of Education 09/08/2012 12:53:49 |
On the sidelines of his installation, the new Minister of Education and and Vocational Training, Vanneur Pierre [which replaces Reginald Paul], introduced himself and talked about his priorities... |
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Haiti - Politic : 5th Council of Government, many project announcements for Les Cayes 09/08/2012 11:45:22 |
Wednesday, various Ministers, State Secretaries, Directors General and parliamentarians were present at the Administrative Complex of Les Cayes, to participate in the 5th Council of Government under the leadership of Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe... |
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Haiti - CEP : The President Martelly grants a new delay for Parliamentarians 09/08/2012 10:50:26 |
This Wednesday, August 8, 2012, the President of the Republic, Michel Martelly, has officially written once again, to the Presidents of both houses of the Haitian Parliament to grant them a new delay of 8 days... |
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Haiti - Justice : CSPJ, Me Antoine Norgaisse has changed sides... 09/08/2012 10:43:49 |
The spokesman of the Superior Council of Judicial Power (CSPJ) Me Néhémy Joseph said on Wednesday that Me Antoine Norgaisse is now in the camp of the President of CSPJ, Anel Alexis Joseph... |
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Haiti - Sports : The President Martelly congratulates and encourages Samyr Laine 09/08/2012 09:41:14 |
Wednesday in the early evening, the President Martelly, had a phone conversation with the Head of the Haitian delegation and with the Haitian athlete Samyr Laine, qualified for the finals of the triple jump at the 30th Olympic Games... |
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