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iciHaiti - Delmas 30 : 2 bandits fatally injured, police uniforms recovered

iciHaiti - NOTICE : PAP Fire Department, 30 candidates invited to continue the selection process (list)

iciHaiti - Qatar 2025 : Return to the country of our stadium heroes (video)

iciHaiti - World Ski Championship : Congratulations from the Minister of Sports

iciHaiti - Politic : 6 new promotions at the Ministry of the Environment

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Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - NOTICE : New certificate for business names and online registration application

Haiti - Commerce and Industry : Minister Monazard unveils the main points of his 2024-2025 action plan

Haiti - Economy : «The war budget» orally only

Haiti - News : Zapping...

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Haiti - Social : False mothers, real birth certificates
Haiti - Social : False mothers, real birth certificates
21/03/2011 14:46:11
Roberto Rosario, president of the Central Electoral Board (Junta Central Electoral - JCE) responsible of the civil registry and the issuance of the Dominican identity cards (Cédulas), has denounced the existence of a network of women...
Haiti - Reconstruction : Launch of construction of a HQ for Haitian unions
Haiti - Reconstruction : Launch of construction of a HQ for Haitian unions
21/03/2011 13:20:04
Four representatives of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE - SCFP in french) and a representative of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC - AFPC in french) are currently on site in Haiti to launch the construction of a new building for...
Haiti - Politic : An U.S. Congressional delegation in Haiti Tuesday
Haiti - Politic : An U.S. Congressional delegation in Haiti Tuesday
21/03/2011 12:35:34
A delegation of Democratic leaders of Congress will travel to Haiti tomorrow for a visit of two days. This delegation, comes assess the electoral process and the progress of the reconstruction of country, including the housing reconstruction...
Haiti - Elections : An overall positive balance
Haiti - Elections : An overall positive balance
21/03/2011 12:17:36
For this second round of elections [a first in the history of Haiti] about 4.5 million voters were called to take part in the vote of Sunday to elect: the next President, 7 of 30 senators [4 have already been elected at...
Haiti - Elections : Democracy by force of arms ?
Haiti - Elections : Democracy by force of arms ?
21/03/2011 10:35:22
The President of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) during an assessment press conference Sunday, welcoming the successful holding of the elections throughout the country despite irregularities and isolated violences which resulted to 3 dead...
Haiti - Elections : It's finished... The future of Haiti is in the ballot boxes
Haiti - Elections : It's finished... The future of Haiti is in the ballot boxes
20/03/2011 18:11:56
The polling stations closed at 4:00 pm in the provinces where the counting has begun in some provincial towns, only the area of Port-au-Prince benefits of an extension up to approximately (+/-) 5:00 pm...
Haiti - Elections : Some polling stations will close later
Haiti - Elections : Some polling stations will close later
20/03/2011 17:20:18
In a statement, the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) welcomes the determination of the voters who go massively in the voting centers and the calm in which is held the second round of the presidential and legislative elections...
Haiti - Elections : For Spain,
Haiti - Elections : For Spain, "Everything is going relatively well..."
20/03/2011 16:14:16
The new Ambassador of Spain in Haiti, Manuel Hernández Ruigómez hopes that the presidential election will contribute to advance the reconstruction of Haiti [...] So far, we have a government coming out and we await...
Haiti - Elections : Edmond Mulet recognizes
Haiti - Elections : Edmond Mulet recognizes "the delays and small problems"
20/03/2011 14:28:26
Mr. Mulet acknowledged that there were delays and small problems in the electoral process, ensuring that they were being corrected [...] everything happens in peace he assured...
Haiti - Elections : Irregularities in some polling stations
Haiti - Elections : Irregularities in some polling stations
20/03/2011 13:42:28
In Saint Louis du Sud [Cayes] the members of a polling station took advantage of the absence of supervisor to force people to vote for their candidate...

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