Haiti - i-Votes : Results fourth week - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - i-Votes : Results fourth week
26/09/2010 11:57:46

Haiti - i-Votes : Results fourth week
If the classification of internet users for the first 3 candidates topped the list remains unchanged, the analysis of results and variances for the fourth week, show many changes and trends in the ranking of candidates:

Baker Charles Henry (1) widening the gap with Martelly Michel Joseph (2) 9.64% this week against 7.29% last week (+2.35%) difference resulting from the combination of increased +1.42% in the intentions of i-vote for Baker and a decrease of 0.93% in the intentions of i-vote for Martelly.

Baker Charles Henry (1) increases its gap with Manigat Mirlande (3) which is now of 11.2% against 10.05% last week (+ 1.15%). Note that Manigat Mirlande increased of 0.27% in the intentions of i-vote.

Manigat Mirlande (3) reduced its gap on Martelly Michel Joseph (2). 2.76% separated these 2 candidats last week, this week Manigat Mirlande (3) is not any more to 1.56% od the second place.

Jeune Léon (4) is a candidate who rises, only 0.21% separated the previous week Jeune Léon and Céant Jean Henry, this week Jeune Léon widens the gap considerably and wins the fourth place with a difference of 3.79% on Céant Jean Henry. Just behind Manigat Mirlande (3) (gap of 2.01% this week whereas this difference was 4.07% last week, a reduction of 50%).

Finally, note that several positions are played on small gap 0.08% separates Alexis Jacques Édouard (6) and Leslie Volataire (7). 0.39% separates Jeune Jean Chavanne (8) of Abellard Axan D’Elson (9)

In the overall ranking for this 4th week, two candidates win seats and 6 lose.

The winners :

  • Jeune Léon (4) gain 1 position (moving from 5th to 4th place) and jumped of 2.54% in the the intention of i-vote. A remarkable turnaround after a gain of 2 position in the previous week.
  • Charles Éric Smarcki gain 5 positions (moving from the 16th to 11th place) with 1.59% in the the intention of i-vote.

The losers :

  • Céant Jean Henry, loses 1 place (moving from the 4th to 5th place) with a decrease of 1.46% in the the intention of i-vote (but mostly because of the strong back of Jeune Léon + 2.54%)
  • Neptune Yvon, loses 1 place (moving from the 11th to 12nd place) relatively stable in the the intention of i-vote (-0.02%)
  • Christallin Yves, loses 1 place (moving from the 12nd to 13th place) relatively stable in the the intention of i-vote (-0.07%)
  • Bijou Josette, loses 1 place (moving from the 13rd to 14th place) with a decrease of 0.13% in the the intentions of i-vote
  • Joseph Génard, loses 1 place (moving from the 14th to 15th place) with a decrease of 0.14% in the the intentions of i-vote
  • Anacacis Jean Hector, loses 1 place (moving from the 15th to 16th place) with a decrease of 0.10% in the the intentions of i-vote

This week, the white vote is 4.37%. The white vote (vote blanc) is used by Internet users to express their disagreement the elections of November 28, 2010 or that none the candidates is appropriate to them. Nothing is played, it's nine weeks, it remains 8 weeks and the future may hold many surprises with the beginning of the election campaign that begins Sept. 27.

Get involved and i-Vote for the candidate of your choice. Next results Sunday, October 2, 2010

For i-Vote (french page) : https://www.haitilibre.com/i-vote.php

Recall that the HaitiLibre.com i-Vote office, lets you vote for the candidate of your choice. I-Vote record the tendency of Internet users, it is not an official vote. They measure the popularity of a candidate or his party, his ability to mobilize and relevance of the candidate, his commitments and his program. You can i-vote once per 24 hours for the candidate of your choice (but nothing prevents you to vote once every day for your candidate or for another if you change allegiance).

The results of the second week (12 to 18 September 2010) measure primarily the popularity of the candidate and his capacity of mobilization since the electoral campaign yet officially did not start. Indeed, the Provisional electoral counsel (CEP) points out that the diffusion of messages by way of press and others is authorized only starting from October 15th and until November 26th. You will thus have to wait on October 15th so that the relevance of the candidates, their engagements and their programs can have possibly an influence in your choices.

Every Sunday we will publish the i-Vote results on the website HaïtiLibre.com with trends compared to previous scores (upward or downward). I-Votes are cumulative from August 28 to November 21, 2010 inclusive, date of publication of our latest results (one week before the electoral deadline of November 28th, 2010).

For i-Vote (french page) :

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