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![]() Haiti - i-Votes : Results sixth week 10/10/2010 08:58:34
Charles Henri Baker (1) retains the first position but ran out of steam as we found last week week 3 Baker gained + 4.44%, week 4 +1.42%, week 5 +0.79%) this week Baker for the first time is not any more in growth and records -0.18% in the intentions of i-Votes. The fight between the position 2, 3 and 4 is now playing in a line of i-Votes even smaller than the previous week: 0.33% this week against 0.54% last week. Mirlande Manigat (2) made a significant recovery in the intentions of i-Votes this week and took second place held by Michel Martelly for 5 weeks. The gap Manigat - Baker is reduced a little, he is now 11.01 % against 11.85% last week (combination of the gain of the candidate +0.66% and declining of Baker -0.18%). Léon Jeune (3) recorded the largest increase for a candidate in the 4 first places and won the third position (+0.78%) This week, the intentions of i-Vote of Michel Martelly (4) are down of -0.05%. It should be noted that Michel Martelly, although he maintained the second place five times in six weeks, has only lost the intentions of i-Votes (From 24.08% the first week to only 13,58% this sixth week). He lost two positions this week from the second through fourth place. In the remainder of the group, several positions, like the previous week, are played on weak variations that include among others: 0.42% separates Leslie Voltaire (6) from Alexis Jacques Édouard (7) (+0.32% compared to the past week) 0.14% separates Éric Smarcki Charles (9) from Axan D’Elson ABellard (10) 0.03% separates Génard Joseph (14) from Josette Bijou (15) (0.03%) Few candidate appears for now to make a breakthrough to break away from the peloton which evolves into small tight group. In the overall ranking for this 6th week, 4 candidates win seats and 3 lose. The winners: Mirlande Manigat gain 1 position (passing from the 3rd to 2nd position) mainly due to its gain in the i-vote intentions and a slight decline from Baker -0.18% Jeune Léon gain 1 position (passing from the 4th to 3rd position) thanks to stronger growth in the intentions of i-Vote in the 4 leading candidates (+0.78%), its highest finish in 6 weeks. Charles Éric gain 1 position (passing from the 10th to 9th position) derating Abellard candidate, thanks to a combination of intentions i-Vote for it (+0.25%) and a decrease for Abellard (-0.14%) Joseph Génard gain 1 position (passing from 15th place to 14th position) a position "volatile" he argues with Josette Bijou with only 0.03% of difference between the two candidates. The losers : Michel Martelly, loses 2 positions (passing from the 2nd to 4th position) mainly due to the growth of i-vote in candidates Mirlande Manigat (+0.66%) and Léon Jeune (+0.78%) whereas it records for its part a slight decrease (-0.05%) Axan D’Elson Abellard, loses 1 position (passing from the 9th to 10th position) a combination of intentions of i-Vote for Charles Éric Smarcki (+0.23%) and lower in the intentions of i-Vote on his side (-0.14%) Josette Bijou, loses 1 position (passing from the 14th to 15th position) downgraded by Génard Joseph (+0.02%) combined with a fall of the intentions of I-Vote (-0.08%). The difference between these two candidates is minimal (0.03%). This week, the white vote is 3.69%. The white vote (vote blanc) is used by Internet users to express their disagreement the elections of November 28, 2010 or that none the candidates is appropriate to them. Nothing is played, We are mid-term, and the real campaign on the ground and in the media is not yet started, it remains 6 weeks (6 other results) and the future may hold many surprises, differences of the rankings for many candidates are very low. Get involved and i-Vote for the candidate of your choice. Next results Sunday, October 17, 2010 For i-Vote : https://www.haitilibre.com/i-vote.php ![]() Recall that the HaitiLibre.com i-Vote office, lets you vote for the candidate of your choice. I-Vote record the tendency of Internet users, it is not an official vote. They measure the popularity of a candidate or his party, his ability to mobilize and relevance of the candidate, his commitments and his program. You can i-vote once per 24 hours for the candidate of your choice (but nothing prevents you to vote once every day for your candidate or for another if you change allegiance). Note that if the majority of candidates (12) have released their bio or CV (see i-Vote, available links under the picture of the candidates) some are slow to do so for various reasons : the candidates do not answer our requests, information is not available or exists only in English (!!). Concerning the program guidelines, very little forwarded them to us (4), for reasons similar to those outlined above. We recall that in the electoral process candidates have a duty to inform voters about their skills and outline their programs, that of the media is tpo contributing to the dissemination of this information with the public. Every Sunday we will publish the i-Vote results on the website HaïtiLibre.com with trends compared to previous scores (upward or downward). I-Votes are cumulative from August 28 to November 21, 2010 inclusive, date of publication of our latest results (one week before the electoral deadline of November 28th, 2010). For i-Vote : https://www.haitilibre.com/i-vote.php See also : https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1118-haiti-i-vote-results-first-week.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1168-haiti-i-votes-results-second-week.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1220-haiti-i-votes-results-third-week.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1280-haiti-i-votes-results-fourth-week.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1333-haiti-i-votes-results-fifth-week.html HL/ HaitiLibre Reproduction prohibited without written permission All rights reserved HaitiLibre.com 2010
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