Haiti - Politic : Monitoring of the implementation of the cadastre project in Haiti - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Politic : Monitoring of the implementation of the cadastre project in Haiti
10/07/2015 12:28:21

Haiti - Politic : Monitoring of the implementation of the cadastre project in Haiti
Wednesday, Elisabeth Beton Delègue, Ambassador of France accredited to Haiti met with representatives of French notaries involved in the implementation of a cadastre in Haiti.

Spatial planning is a key factor in development, whose the first regulatory tool is the existence of a cadastre or at least, a land register. It is before this need, that France has responded positively to the call of the Haitian authorities to develop a methodology of cadastre in Haiti.

Recall that the land situation in Haiti is complex and marked by different legal influences. It is based on a tradition of private property and on a generalization of the small individual and family property. This situation is also disorganized: the state domain is poorly defined and private property poorly referenced. Without cadastre and without strong administration to supervise and direct the planning, land insecurity in the country is important.

Project Objectives :
Support the Haitian State in the establishment of a cadastral methodology and the reorganization of its land administration;
Accompany the whole of the legal reform of the Haitian land tenure system.

The implementation of this project is led by the Interministerial Committee for Territorial Planning (CIAT).

Work already made :

1. Creation of a methodology for the development of a basic land tenure plan :
It is organized into 4 main steps: identification of properties, identifying the parcels, the precise delimitation of the parcels by land or carrying out a basic land tenure plan, the cadastral map release at 1/500 th. This methodology was implemented on 5 pilot areas (3 to Port-au-Prince and two in the provinces) and then taken nationally.

2. Structuring of professions related to the land:
Partnerships between French institutions (the Supreme Council of Notaries, Directorate General of Public Finance, International Federation of property experts) and Haitian structures (Union of Haitian lawyers, surveyors association of Haiti) have been set up to to develop training and provide French expertise to the Haitian land professionals.

3. Establishment of a body of law on the land:
The referencing and analysis of all legal documents related to the land was done in order to highlight the texts still in force and those which have been repealed. This represents over 600 texts from 1804 to today.

4. Preparation of drafts law to strengthen the land legal situation :
The basics of the reorganization of the surveying profession in Haiti have been raised in the draft of the profession reform law, proposed in 2013. The establishment of a professional and a national training school is provided. An equivalent legal work is underway for the profession of notary.

In parallel with French support, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is working on a pre-cadastre project in rural areas.

See also :

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