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Haiti - Social : The land reform, a priority of President Martelly (speech)
08/09/2012 10:42:02

Haiti - Social : The land reform, a priority of President Martelly (speech)
Thursday, at the official launch of assizes on the securitization of land ownership, that took place Friday at Karibe Convention Center, at the initiative of the Interministerial Committee for Territorial Planning (CIAT) and which brought together for the first time in Haiti, more than two hundred participants : Surveyors, Notaries, Jurists, executives of state institutions involved in land issues, members of civil society and of private sector, to discuss of the land issues in Haiti and identify possible solutions for land reform essential in the march towards the rule of law in Haiti ; the President Michel Martelly delivered a keynote address.

Speech of President Martelly :
"[...] Speaking of opportunities for land in Haiti today is to return to the idea that the earthquake of January 12, 2012 could nevertheless bring something positive to the Haitian people. The earthquake, has indeed attracted the attention of all Haitians and foreigners, on the fact that Haiti is a country of small private properties and the land could not be mobilized quickly and efficiently to meet the housing created by this event. January 12 has therefore put on the front of the stage, land insecurity familiar in our country, the complexity and the malfunction of an ownership structure, which combines a legal framework old, but still valid and of situations that ignore this legal framework, but that allow people to live everyday life.

It is time for national institutions, public and private, take over and begin the necessary reforms to allow to modernize the framework of property management. A society that wants to progress can walk beside its laws. The rule of law is an essential reference for me, for my presidency. It is a dream, a distant objective, but we must take the first step and lay, stone by stone, the elements of the rule of law in Haiti. Recreate for the property, a legal and institutional framework adapted to the evolution of the society, of the economy, of world is an essential step in the march towards the rule of law in Haiti.

All citizens are in one way or another, concerned with issues of ownership. Who has not been the victim at one time or another of a land paper, torn, lost, stolen, counterfeit ? Who has not been the victim of a theft, of a claim of heirs ? Who has not been in the inability to prove his ownership because of institutional weaknesses ? Must enable everyone today to exercise in peace this fundamental human right, that is the right to property. The land securitization is part of the right of ownership.

We know the consequences of an ownership structure that does not work well. When it is not sure of its ownership, when it does not know when a dispute may arise, when it does not know on what basis the court will decide in a land dispute, the investor is paralyzed, regardless of the level of investment it wants to do.We do not want to plant a tree, that his cousin can cut. We do not want to build a plant when the land can be claimed by an alleged owner. Nor to establish a waste water treatment center when three alleged owners may arise overnight. The uncertainty does not benefit anyone and is detrimental to economic development. It is not a secret : is the investment, public and private, that creates jobs. The and security hus refers to two other elements of my political project : Employment and the Environment.

The Haitian government has today a project, in the broadest sense of the term. For several months, in fact, the Interministerial Committee for Territorial Planning works with all actors of land (notaries, surveyors, Directorate General of Taxes, Ministry of Finance, National Office of Cadastre, National Information Center Geo-spatial, judiciary)

  • to implement the reform elements of professions of surveyors and notaries ;
  • for the digitization and indexing of archives of the Directorate of Domain and the Directorate of the Registration and of the Land Conservation ;
  • to find a method of realization of cadastre that takes into account the complexity of land rights ;
  • to find an equitable solution socially and legally just for owners whose lands have become slums under the pressure of urban sprawl.

With the support of the French Cooperation and the Inter American Development Bank, the working tracks are now identified. It returns to the three branches of government: executive, legislative and judicial, to work in synergy to make this land reform a reality.

The country expects this reform for a long time. We will put all the energy needed to achieve it - to the benefit of the Haitian people.

I wish a good work to you all !

Thank you !"

Laurent Lamothe officially launches, the land reform in Haiti

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