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Haiti - FLASH : Roadmap of the Minister of the Diaspora
04/04/2017 09:43:46

Haiti - FLASH : Roadmap of the Minister of the Diaspora
Within the framework of the guidelines laid down by President Moïse, translated into roadmaps, handed to each ministry https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-20507-icihaiti-politics-handing-of-roadmaps-to-ministers.html , Prime Minister Lafontant asked the Minister of Haitians Alive Abroad Mrs. Stéphanie Auguste to lead the necessary reforms to facilitate the full integration of the diaspora in the affairs of the country. In this perspective, I ask you to conduct the following actions :

Roadmap of the Minister of Haitians Living Abroad :
"- Work with the relevant bodies in the drafting of the bill for the active participation of members of the Diaspora in the political life of the country;
- Develop and implement the Diaspora engagement policy document in the economic and social development of Haiti;
- Draw up with the MEF, the MCI and the other actors concerned, the document "Strategy for Attracting Diaspora Investments in Haiti"
- Implement a policy of integration of qualified executives of the Diaspora within the Public Administration;
- Work with relevant institutions to enable the nation to benefit from diaspora skills by developing return programs for retired Haitians wishing to resettle and invest in the country;
- Work with the competent bodies to extend the tax and customs advantages of the Investment Code to any Haitian investor in the diaspora who makes investments of a certain size in his area of origin to avoid double taxation;
- Establish incentives to bring at least 30% of young Haitians who graduate abroad each year to return to work in the country;
- Implement mechanisms encouraging the transfer of professional know-how from the diaspora;
- Develop strategies, institutional and financial mechanisms to facilitate diaspora investments, particularly in the housing sector;
- Use the Diaspora as a strategic asset to promote Haitian products and abroad;
- Attracting the capital, technology and intellectual expertise of the Diaspora;
- Take steps to ensure the success of the "Champions of the Diaspora" program
- Encourage high-level Haitians with expertise in Western companies and laboratories to return to Haiti to help reshape Haitian technology and define strategies for the conquest of foreign markets.

I ask you to start preparing the Budget 2017-2018, which will have to be approved by the Council of Ministers, after arbitration by the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, and filed within the legal deadlines in Parliament.

You will also have the task of increasing transparency, the fight against corruption and the good management of public property. It will be up to you to organize, direct and animate the services, teams and agents of the State placed under your responsibility.

Jack Guy Lafontant, Prime Minister."

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