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Haiti - Politic : EDH promises 18MW more electricity in May
06/03/2018 08:36:40

Haiti - Politic : EDH promises 18MW more electricity in May
Monday, as part of the weekly conferences of the Ministry of Communication, the Engineer Hervé Pierre-Louis, Director General of the Electricity of Haiti (EDH), accompanied by its Director of Communication presented the progress of the rehabilitation works of 115 KV Péligre transmission line (nouveau Delmas).

He explained that these rehabilitation works had "the overall objective to improve the performance of the Péligre transmission line and to provide reliable and safe electricity. They include on the one hand the aerial rehabilitation of about 46 km of line from the Péligre Centrale to the pylon #152, and on the other hand the construction of an underground transmission line from the pylon # 152 to the Nouveau Delmas substation in Port-au-Prince for a total distance of approximately 10 km. In addition, high and low voltage work at the end stations and repairs to the foundations and tower base are also part of the scope of the rehabilitation."

Underlining the work of underground lines that are underway at Lillavois - Delmas 33 and Carrefour Fleuriot can cause a disruption in traffic and appealed for a good understanding of the population.

In addition he said that when the work of the Péligre Power Plant will be completed "54 Megawatts will be available, by May". Recall that the first turbine rehabilitated of this https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-18378-haiti-social-good-news-18-megawatt-electricity-more-in-the-country.html . Today 2 turbines out of 3 are in service and produce 36 Megawatts, while waiting for the commissioning of the 3rd turbine. Note that the works of the Péligre Power Plant are financed by Germany and have already cost more than 28 million euros https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-14320-haiti-reconstructionthe-work-at-the-central-peligre-are-more-and-more-expensive.html

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