
Haiti - Reconstruction : 8 pre-qualified firms visit the site of the future National Palace 04/05/2018 08:35:34
The Working Group and Reflection for the Reconstruction of the National Palace accompanied by representatives of the 8 pre-qualified firms to take part in the architectural competition for the construction of the National Palace visited this week the site to house the future Palace.
The purpose of this visit was to allow competitors to become acquainted with the places, their specificities, the environment and existing structures in order to better orient their architectural proposal.
Remember that these firms selected for the competition have been regularly pre-qualified following a Call for Expression of Interest (AMI) launched on 28 September 2017 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-22306-haiti-flash-architecture-competition-for-the-reconstruction-of-the-national-palace.html in order to obtain a short list of companies with the capacity to work on one of the largest projects in the country, the reconstruction of the National Palace.
See also :
HL/ HaitiLibre