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Haiti - Education : Inauguration of two digital spaces polyvalent
22/03/2011 14:17:36

Haiti - Education : Inauguration of two digital spaces polyvalent
On Friday, March 18, 2011 the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, the Agence inter-établissements de recherche pour le développement (AIRD), the Embassy of France in Haiti, the Fondation de France and the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) have proceeded to the official inauguration of two digital spaces intended to the strengthening of higher education: one at the Quisqueya University and the other at the school of Infotronique of Haiti (ESIH).

For Jean Marie Theodat, Delegate of the AUF in Haiti, "the project PENDHA (1) has been designed by specialists in digital education of the AUF and AIRD, it represents the most ambitious digital French-language content offer to date. PENDHA will allow to the Haitian students to have a direct access to online resources of a network of over 700 French-speaking universities in the world and especially to follow university courses in distance through the device Open distance learning "Formation Ouverte A Distance (FOAD)" developed by the AUF. Ultimately, this reinforces the training system in Haiti and help reduce the digital divide between Haiti and the most advanced countries in the region."

Didier Le Bret, Ambassador of France in Haiti, in his speech, welcomed the French initiative and called for the promotion of French on the net and the strengthening of the French language through the training of teachers of schools in Haitian institutions.

For his part, the Director of the AIRD while welcoming the success of this initiative, called on universities, whiche are beneficiaries of the project PENDHA to appropriate the tool and do it in the best possible way. For the Director of the AIRD, this is "the first step towards the creation of the pool of teacher and teacher researcher on which will build the system of research and of and higher education in Haiti."

Expressing his gratitude at the time of receive this new digital space, Jacques-Edouard Alexis, Representative of the Board of the University Quisqueya (UniQ) and representative of Mr. Jacky Lumarque, president of UniQ said "the Francophonie is also technology". For his part, Mr. Patrick Attié, Director of the École Supérieur d'Infotronique d'Haïti, held to thank all project partners for their involvement in the revival of the university system in Haiti.

(1) Learn more about the project PENDHA
Recall that the project PENDHA (Plan d'Enseignement Numérique à Distance en Haïti) is a joint project between the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, the AIRD and the AUF. PENDHA is intended to provide significant support in the reconstruction of the Haitian University system, through: The deployment of a network of "digital spaces polyvalent" in Haitian universities : 12 digital spaces polyvalent of quality (nine in Port-au-Prince and three respectively in Les Cayes, Gonaives and Cap Haitien, to deploy in 24 months) and five spaces dedicated to medicine and science Health. The training and the accompanying of the teachers and Haitian students to the use and the production of digital content in distance. This project begins in its first phase by deploying a network of "digital spaces polyvalent" within the 12 AUF member universities in Haiti, through the equipment of 17 digital spaces planned in computer hardware required. The preparation of trainers called to take over the network and implement the system has already begun.

See also:
https://www.haitilibre.com/article-697-haiti-education-premiere-grande-bibliotheque-numerique-en-haiti.html (in french)

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