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Haiti - Politic : Vision of Michel Martelly on its future Government
15/04/2011 12:49:55

Haiti - Politic : Vision of Michel Martelly on its future Government
In an interview granted to the Creole of the Voice of America, the President Martelly has made ​​the point on the future Government "...We only have 3 people in Parliament, three representatives but I must say that our vision, our approach is different from the Executive of the outgoing President [...] We see that all members of parliament, whether Deputies or Senators, are like us [...] they are elected by the people, they are people that have been mandated by the people [...] what are the problems of the population? They are hungry, sleep in the street, insecurity, lack of access to education and health ... Therefore, we have a common denominator [...] we are mandated by the people [to solve these problems]. I believe that the approach, it is the first time that we will see it in this way, an opening like no other, with no limit. Right now, I have in my office Sen. Youri Latortue, it is imperative that we sit together to know that we do not defend our own positions, we are both be elected by the people and we must put ourselves together to give the people what they ask us, we are servants. In the past, there were conflicts to know who had the greatest power, the Executive wanted that everything goes through it, that it was for it to decide... therefore automatically, the Parliament rose to say that they also had the power. But once the executive has understood the need to collaborate, to cooperate with the Parliament and if this cooperation is harmonious, it can be fruitful. This is in this sense, that we understand how we have to work and we can guarantee a change after the five years of government of the Presidency Martelly."

At the same time, the platform of the ruling party (INITE), during a working session held behind closed doors Thursday at the Hotel Le Plaza, has clearly shown its ambition to be at the center of the formation of the first Government of the Presidency Martelly.

According to a participant, the Deputy Saurel Jacinthe, re-elected, the platform INITE intended to govern with its allies in the interest of the population and in the perspective of the reconstruction of country. The platform has temporarily 17 Senators and 34 Deputies while waiting the verdict of the National Bureau for Electoral Complaints and Challenges (BCEN), the authority of last recourse within the framework of the electoral disputes.

Senator Lucas Sainvi, elected in the North-west, meanwhile, has downplayed the informal contacts that the team of Martelly would have had with some Deputies or Senators elected under the banner INITE, whose among others Edwin Zenny who have expressed their good relations with President Martelly, finding that "it is better for the next Head of State to have formal contacts with the blocks formed [...] since in our system, the head of state needs a functional majority." On the other hand, he considers unlikely that members of Parliament elected under the banner of INITE make defection...

Steven Benoit, Senator elected in the first round in the Western Department, believes that any decision of the elected President Michel Martelly about the choice of the Prime Minister before the publication of the final results of the second round, returns to "putting the cart before the horse." For now, the Senator said that the platform has 33 members in the Chamber of Deputies, the Alternative (14), "Ansan m Nou fo" (10) and AAA as well. Which is to say, that their votes will count a lot...

As for Sen. Joseph Lambert, Coordinator General of the platform INITE, which does not make the nuance, he asserts that "INITE will have the majority with the accession of 26 other elected [?] In all, INITE and its allies will have sixty elected to the Lower House". However, remember that it would be a majority block and not a majority party as prescribed by the constitution. "This majority bloc intends to play an important role in the appointment of the Prime Minister and members of the government" warns the Senator.

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