Haiti - FLASH : Jean Marie Vorbe the CEO of SOGENER, counter-attack ! - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : Jean Marie Vorbe the CEO of SOGENER, counter-attack !
22/10/2019 09:13:06

Haiti - FLASH : Jean Marie Vorbe the CEO of SOGENER, counter-attack !
After having summoned SOGENER S.A. to repay within three days 194 million US dollars representing the amount of a debt contracted for the purchase of fuel, between June 2012 and March 2019, Jean Marie Vorbe the CEO of SOGENER S.A. explained to the BMPAD, documents in support, that it was a cross-debt in which the Haitian State owed him more than 202 million dollars.

Download the copy of the summons : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/sommation-sogener.pdf

Ignoring the explanations, the BMPAD threatened SOGENER with new measures before putting justice into action.

Faced with this obstinacy, Jean Marie Vorbe counter-attacks in a letter to Jean Baden Dubois, Governor of the Bank of the Republic of Haiti (BRH) in which he asks for the full payment of more than 202 million dollars (202,765,290.16), value due by the Electricity of Haiti (EDH) on September 30, 2019 as it appears on the Statement of Accounts and the value of fuel delivered to SOGENER S.A. by BMPAD on behalf of Electricity of Haiti (EDH)

Download the documents relating to these cross-debts of the State and SOGENER : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/compte-sogener.pdf

Letter from SOGENER to the BRH :
"Port-au-Prince, October 21, 2019

Mr Jean Baden Dubois
Governor of the Bank of the Republic of Haiti
Port au Prince

Relates to : Letter of Credit Issuing L/C BRH/BNC (2840/2849)

Mr. Governor,

I hereby apply to the Bank of the Republic of Haiti (BRH) for full payment of the sum of US $ 202,765,290.16 (two hundred million seven hundred and sixty five thousand two hundred and ninety US dollars and sixteen cents), value payable by the Electricity of Haiti (EDH) on September 30, 2019, from the statement of account that you will find in the appendix.

These amounts, recorded in invoices submitted to EDH and not contested by it, have been the subject of payment claims since 2012, but have never been honored by the EDH in breach of the contract.

I ask you to diligently and credit SOGENER's account to BNC in accordance with the guarantees you have issued for the payment of unpaid bills by EDH.

I hope you will understand the urgency of satisfying this request, as the company must settle its commitments with its suppliers.

Pending your reply within three (3) working days of receipt of this letter, I ask you to believe, Mr. Governor, in the assurance of my most perfect collaboration.

Jean Marie Vorbe
Chief Executive Officer"

To be continued...

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