Haiti - FLASH : A former US Navy arrested at the International Airport in possession of weapons of war - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : A former US Navy arrested at the International Airport in possession of weapons of war
13/11/2019 08:24:32

Haiti - FLASH : A former US Navy arrested at the International Airport in possession of weapons of war
Tuesday afternoon, a passenger of the Flight of American Airlines AA 949 from Miami with the suspicious behavior was stopped at the international airport Toussaint Louverture by agents of the Brigade of fight against the traffic of narcotics (BLTS), after a check of his baggage revealed that he was carrying several firearms, including two weapons of war and ammunition.

Haitian-born passenger Jacques Yves Sébastien Duroseau (33) is believed to be a former US Navy. He was traveling legally and carrying in 3 gun cases, several pistols and two Uzis as well as several magazines and ammunition. Officials from the US administration and representatives of the US Embassy were called, along with the National Police of Haiti (PNH) and a Justice of the Peace.

The man who might be Duroseau's brother who was waiting for him at the arrival hall, was also arrested. The two men were taken to the Central Directorate of the Judiciary Police for interrogation and to clarify the reason for the presence of these weapons in the luggage of this passenger and their destination ..

A police source claims to have learned that the man was authorized by American Airlines to travel with the firearms and that he had a signed document for that purpose.

Martha Pantin, spokesperson for American Airlines, said the airline was checking to see if the passenger had declared the weapons in checked luggage.

Recall that US federal law allows passengers to travel with uncharged firearms in their checked baggage, provided that the weapons are in a locked and rigid-walled case and that these weapons or ammunition are declared to the airlines. when checking baggage.

To be continued...

HL/ HaitiLibre

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