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Haiti - News : Zapping...
29/11/2019 11:02:39

Haiti - News : Zapping...
Haiti compared to Somalia
Following the shooting death of a French couple in Port-au-Prince on November 24th https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-29373-haiti-security-2-french-killed-in-haiti-paris-opens-an-investigation-for-intentional-homicide.html the reactions in France are not tender towards Haiti. This week on Europe 1 broadcaster radio, the French journalist Vincent Hervouët has compared Haiti to Somalia. "Haiti is Somalia, but in the Americas [...] a country where you can not go from the airport to the capital, that in convoy and daylight, is a country that no longer exists."

Police Station Opposition Tour
On Thursday, several leaders of the radical opposition: Senators Nènèl Cassy, ​​Antonio Chéramy, Ricard Pierre, Evallière Beauplan, Yuri Latortue and Michel André have toured several police stations in the metropolitan area to show their solidarity with those arrested "arbitrarily" during anti-government demonstrations.

SOGENER : action for annulment of arrest warrants
According to Me Monferrier Dorval, a lawyer of SOGENER, the Head of the Public Prosecutor's Office can issue orders to bring only in case of flagrante delicto in accordance with the provisions of Article 30 of the Code of Criminal Investigation. For his part the Dean Me Bernard Sainvil could not rule on Thursday, on the preventive appeal of the SOGENER lawyers who have exercised, before the judge of the interim relief, another action for annulment of the arrest warrants issued by the Commissioner from the acting government of Port-au-Prince against the shareholders of the company. See also : hhttps://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-29389-haiti-flash-the-employer-sector-is-alarmed-by-the-arbitrary-and-illegal-methods-of-the-state.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-29381-haiti-flash-the-prosecutor-s-office-issues-warrants-to-bring-in-the-case-state-against-sogener.html

32nd of the Vaillant Lane massacre
On Thursday, to commemorate the sad anniversary of the Vaillant Lane massacre, the Fanmi Lavalas Party announced a day of protest on Friday, November 29, in memory of the cowardly murdered voters in the second round of the presidential and legislative elections of 1987 (the first democratic elections organized in Haiti after the fall of Duvalier).

FIFA, Haiti wins 2 places
In the latest FIFA world rankings published Thursday, our Grenadiers occupy the 86th place, they advance 2 place with 1.285 points is a small gain of 4 points on the previous ranking (1.281 points). Recall that the average position of our Grenadiers since the beginning of the FIFA rankings (1992) is 96th place. Their worst ranking dates from 1995 (153) and their best ranking of 2012 (39th).

The Ministry support Lens Davidson Richard's care
Edwing Charles, the Minister of Youth and Sport, has promised to cover the full medical costs of footballer Lens Davidson Richard, the Haitian selection of amputees, injured by several at bullets Bon Repos, November 24.

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