Haiti - Quebec : Mission of municipalities in Haiti - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Quebec : Mission of municipalities in Haiti
11/07/2011 10:00:12

Haiti - Quebec : Mission of municipalities in Haiti
Gérald Tremblay, Mayor of Montreal, Erik Forest, Mayor of Rimouski and President of the Union of Quebec Municipalities (UMQ) accompanied of Vrbanovic Berry, President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), representatives of the Municipal Cooperation Program Haiti-Canada in addition to Dutch and French counterparts arrived this weekend in Haiti for a mission of assistance to the municipalities. During this four-day stay, the mission will meet with several mayors and local associations and will launch reconstruction projects.

According to the Mayor of Rimouski, Quebec municipalities can share their expertise in financial management and human resources and also offer their knowledge in the management of property titles, which remains a major problem in Haiti.

With the financial support of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the UMQ and the city of Montreal have been mandated to assist the region of the Palmes and the city of Port-au-Prince to get back on track, their municipal infrastructures.

At a meeting at the Montreal City Hall on May 9, Gérald Tremblay and Jean-Yves Jason Muscadin, the Mayor of Port-au-Prince, had signed a cooperation agreement, aiming to establish the broad lines of the cooperation activities in the Haitian capital. Mr. Tremblay will see the progress of a project of public lighting in Port-au-Prince and will attend to the opening of the office of support of the City Hall of Port-au-Prince.

The municipalities of Quebec have already provided nearly $ 75,000 that have allowed, through the Centre for Studies and Cooperation (CECI), to develop several projects in Haiti, including the construction of a market to Léogâne . The two mayors of Quebec will ensure on the ground that these various projects are progressing as planned.

A total of 51 missions, lasting approximately one month will be achieved by 2013. The city of Montreal will invest $ 1.2 million in human resources in this project.

FCM is currently recruiting participants to support its efforts to help rebuild the institutional and administrative capacities of base in Portau-Prince and in four other communities in Haiti.

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