
Haiti - FLASH : 3 new American hostages released 07/12/2021 07:32:53
After the release of 2 of the 16 American hostages on November 21, the "400 mawozo" Gang released 3 other American hostages on the evening of Sunday December 5. Information confirmed on the website of the religious congregation "Christian Aid Ministries" of which the hostages are all members.
However, as during the first 2 releases, "Christian Aid Ministries" assures us that the 3 new hostages released are "safe and sound" but specifies "[...] we are not able to provide the names of the people released, the circumstances of the release or any other detail." Having obviously received instructions from the authorities concerned with the release of the hostages.
Let's recall that on Saturday October 16, 2021, on the road to Ganthier the bus which transported missionaries members of "Christian Aid Ministries”" (1 Canadian and 12 Americans between 18 and 48 years old (5 men and 7 women) and 4 children of 3, 6 , 14 and 15 years old as well as an 8 month old baby) had been kidnapped by armed men of the "400 mawozo" gang https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-35012-haiti-flash-at-least-fifteen-american-missionaries-kidnapped-in-port-au-prince.html who subsequently asked $ 1 million per hostage for their release https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-35037-haiti-flash-the-gang-400-mawozo-demands-one-million-dollars-for-the-release-of-each-american-hostage.html threatening to kill them if the ransom was not paid https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-35061-haiti-news-zapping.html
The "400 Mawozo" gang still holds 12 hostages (11 American and 1 Canadian) and continues to demand the payment of a ransom but it also demands the release of an important member of the Gang who is currently incarcerated at the National Penitentiary, this last information was communicated to us by the Center for Analysis and Research on Human Rights (CARDH).
To be continued...
Read also about these kidnappings :
SL/ HaitiLibre