
Haiti - FLASH : Haiti tries a second time, to extradite Palacios 29/12/2021 08:34:44
After the failure of a first request for the extradition by Jamaica of Mario Palacios Palacios, a former Colombian military officer, arrested in Kingston and considered by Haitian justice as the number one suspect in the July 7, 2021 assassination of the President Jovenel Moïse https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-34162-haiti-flash-president-jovenel-moise-assassinated-by-mercenaries-official-updated-7am-+-video.html , request formulated by the former Chancellor Claude Joseph https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-35121-haiti-flash-haiti-requests-the-extradition-of-one-of-the-presumed-murderers-of-president-moise.html , rejected because it "did not meet legal requirements under Jamaican extradition law" did not discourage Haitian authorities from obtaining Palacios' extradition.
Haiti is now trying for the second time to obtain the extradition of Palacios, this time invoking an imperial treaty promulgated in 1874 between Haiti, the United Kingdom and Ireland as a legal basis. According to Haiti's interpretation of this treaty, the extradition of Palacios would be obvious.
However, Carolyn Cameron, one of Palacios’s lawyers, points out that this document is "obsolete" recalling that this treaty was replaced in 1973 by the Convention on Extradition "Committal Procedures Acté Convention which has already been invoked in vain by Haiti during its first request and that there is no extradition treaty between the two countries https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-35247-haiti-flash-the-suspect-1-of-the-murder-of-jovenel-moise-cannot-be-extradited-to-haiti.html
At the same time, Mario Antonio Palacios' lawyers demanded during a hearing at the Supreme Court of Jamaica the release of their client. The Jamaican Supreme Court magistrates have taken the petition under advisement.
If this second request fails, in the absence of an extradition treaty all that will remain for Haiti is the diplomatic channel to try to convince Jamaica to hand Palacios into the hands of Haitian justice a Colombian citizen...
See also :
SL/ HaitiLibre