Haiti - Politic : The PM launches an umpteenth call for dialogue (speech) - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Politic : The PM launches an umpteenth call for dialogue (speech)
19/01/2022 09:49:50

Haiti - Politic : The PM launches an umpteenth call for dialogue (speech)
On Monday, on the sidelines of the installation of Mrs. Emmelie Prophète Milce as the new Minister of Culture, Prime Minister Ariel Henry took advantage of the presence of the media to launch an umpteenth call for dialogue and consultation :

Speech of Acting Prime Minister Ariel Henry :

"Ladies and gentlemen, dear compatriots,

I would like to take this opportunity when journalists from the main press organs are present to reiterate my call for dialogue and consultation. As soon as I took office, I announced that I was going to take up my pilgrim's staff and go out to meet all sectors of national life. I did what I said and I met the political actors, very many actors and particularly those who have been leading political life for years. I met many representatives of organized civil society and popular organizations. I had talks with all religious denominations and with compatriots in the diaspora.

My approach was crowned with success and resulted on September 11 of last year, in the signing of the Political Agreement for a Peaceful and Effective Governance of the Interim Period, which was published in the official journal Le Moniteur on September 17 2021 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-34802-haiti-flash-the-political-agreement-of-the-pm-published-in-the-official-journal-full-text.html

Download the full text of the agreement to know all the details : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/Accord-Politique-pour-une-Gouvernance-Apaisee-et-Efficace-de-la-Periode-Interimaire.pdf

I must tell the Haitian people that the gap between the date of the signing of the Agreement and its publication is due simply to the fact that I wanted to meet, beforehand, our compatriots from the Montana group whom I did not despair of convincing to join the first signatories. This was a necessity to broaden the consensus and get our democracy back on track with free, fair and inclusive elections.

Unfortunately, these compatriots did not wish to continue the dialogue. In the political current in which I have campaigned for several years, dialogue has always been considered the best way to resolve political conflicts and build sufficient consensus on difficult subjects. This is why on two other occasions, I took the initiative to go to them and asked to meet them again, still without success, alas.

Today, I want once again publicly to extend a brotherly hand to my compatriots, both to those of the Montana group and to those who, here or elsewhere, are engaged in other initiatives. I want to believe that they are in good faith and sincerely want something to change in our country.

Allow me to tell them that the many challenges awaiting us require from each of us courage, determination, abnegation, patriotism and a strong sense of the higher interests of the nation. Faced with the insecurity which is disrupting the normal functioning of the country and which is jeopardizing the holding of the next popular consultations, we must present a united front to fight this scourge together.

The time is not for quarrels or fratricidal struggles for the conquest of ephemeral power. In this difficult situation, we cannot engage in the game of musical chairs at the head of the state.

Such behavior has already earned us a historically regrettable mishap.

Political instability has already cost us too much. It is the duty of all Haitian democrats to set aside their immediate partisan ambitions and focus on creating a safe and stable environment conducive to the revival of economic activities and the organization of elections.

In the current context, I would like to remind everyone that there is no legal or constitutional way to choose a legitimate interim President. No one has such authority. Some are tempted to resort to violence or the physical elimination of state officials.

After the assassination of the President, it would be tragic for our country to start resorting to this barbaric practice from another time to replace leaders.

Let it be said, the next tenant of the National Palace will be a president elected freely and democratically by the majority of the Haitian people.

Several days ago, I resumed consultations with the sectors concerned by the establishment of the bodies provided for in the Agreement. I have the firm conviction that soon, very soon, we will have a credible Provisional Electoral Council, a representative National Constituent Assembly and a reliable Control and Monitoring Authority.

I call on Haitian patriots and democrats to join the signatories of the September 11 Accord in view to walk together towards this new Haiti that we all call for."

HL/ HaitiLibre

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