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Haiti - Easter: Message of reflection from Lesly Condé
17/04/2022 09:25:24

Haiti - Easter: Message of reflection from Lesly Condé
As part of the celebration of Easter, Lesly Condé Ex-Consul General of Haiti in Chicago (August 2004 - May 2018), delivered us a message of reflection that we invite you to read and share.

Message from Lesly Condé :

"Dear compatriots and friends everywhere,

I very much appreciate, again this year, the privilege of joining you for the celebration of the feast of Easter. This Christian tradition now ours is as dear to children as it is to adults because it announces a season during which nature becomes more beautiful as if to welcome the happy event that is the return to life, the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. I greet you all warmly, and wish you all much peace and happiness in your respective communities.

In Haiti, we pay special attention to Easter Sunday. It is, indeed, one of the most joyful occasions for Christians everywhere. Songs in all languages ​​express the gratitude and joy of believers. It's an enriching atmosphere that keeps repeating itself as the years go by. It is as if we were witnessing each time the glorious phenomenon of the resurrection. Worship is, naturally, more colorful, and the optimism of Easter Sunday is something we want to carry on throughout the year.

There is symbolism in the celebration of Easter and the mystery of the resurrection that applies to our lives as mortals and sinners. The dark and painful moments that follow the horrible death of Jesus Christ symbolize the darkness that takes possession of our souls when we live in sin. The resurrection of Jesus Christ speaks to us of the immense goodness of the creator, and of the redemption that is always within our reach.

Of all the Christian holidays, Easter is, without any doubt, one of the most significant. It is also an occasion for fervent prayers and intense reflection. We cannot help but think of God's love for mankind. We know that despite our imperfections, the architect of the universe loved us so much that he agreed to subject his son Jesus Christ to humiliation, bodily suffering and death for our salvation.

It is this great love that we celebrate on Easter Sunday with the resurrection of Christ. This great day invites us to love our neighbors and, above all, to forgive them because we too need forgiveness.

In closing, I reiterate to you my deep respect and my unwavering attachment. Take good care of yourself, and scrupulously respect the instructions that are prescribed by the circumstances.

Above all, HAPPY EASTER everyone!

Lesly Condé"

Messages from Lesly Condé in 2022 :

All Messages from Lesly Condé in 2021 :

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