
Haiti - FLASH : Jamaica authorizes the extradition to the USA of former Senator Joseph in the case of the assassination of the President 24/04/2022 09:29:28
Jamaican justice authorized this week (April 21, 2022) the extradition to the United States of ex-senator John Joël Joseph.
Let's recall that ex-Senator John Joël Joseph (59) is accused in Haiti of having rented four vehicles which were used by the Colombian commandos on the night of the attack on President Jovenel Moïse https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-35724-haiti-flash-assassination-of-the-president-former-senator-john-joel-joseph-arrested-in-jamaica.html
The ex-Senator under wanted notice https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-34225-haiti-notice-the-pnh-is-looking-for-3-dangerous-and-armed-individuals-including-a-former-senator.html had fled with his wife and two children to take refuge clandestinely in Jamaica where he was arrested in the parish of St Elizabeth (South-East Jamaica), on the night of Friday to Saturday January 15, 2022 for irregular migration situation https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-35724-haiti-flash-assassination-of-the-president-former-senator-john-joel-joseph-arrested-in-jamaica.html
On March 24, former Senator Joseph accepted the extradition request made by the United States and presented by Me Jeremy Taylor at the parish court of Kingston and St Andrew https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-36259-haiti-assassination-of-the-president-towards-the-extradition-to-the-usa-of-former-senator-joseph-joel-john.html
In the United States, the prosecutor's office declined to comment on the planned extradition of John Joël Joseph to Miami. According to the procedure, a criminal complaint should accuse him of conspiring to provide material support for a plot to kill a foreign leader before his indictment by American justice.
Joseph will then be the third suspect extradited and charged in Miami in the case of the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse, after the extradition of Rodolphe Jaar https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-35758-haiti-flash-rodolphe-jaar-suspect-in-the-assassination-of-president-moise-extradited-to-the-usa.html / https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-35822-haiti-assassination-moise-the-hearing-of-rodolphe-jaar-postponed-for-30-days-in-the-usa.html and former Colombian military officer Mario Palacios https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-35640-haiti-flash-palacio-extradited-to-the-usa-first-official-indictment-in-the-assassination-of-president-moise.html / https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-36347-haiti-flash-former-colombian-soldier-mario-antonio-palacios-pleads-not-guilty-in-the-usa.html
See also :
SL/ HaitiLibre