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Haiti - Earthquake 2010 : Message of reflection from Lesly Condé 12/01/2023 09:07:43 Message from Lesly Condé : "Dear compatriots and friends everywhere, A new year has just begun. Our hearts are filled with optimism and good intentions. This year 2023, we want it to be even more lenient and more harmonious than the one that has just ended. Our projects are numerous in this month of January, and we are calling on all our positive energies. But even as we focus on the future, we cannot prevent ourself ti revisiting the devastating earthquake that struck our dear Haiti thirteen years ago. What happened in our country on January 12, 2010 still affects our national life, and we know that there will be great challenges for future generations. Indeed, having suddenly taken the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, and caused property damage estimated at billions of dollars, this terrible earthquake which struck without warning, is, without a doubt, the worst tragedy of its kind of the whole history of our country. It goes without saying that our compatriots who were already living in inadequate conditions, had no means of protecting themselves. The debacle was complete and, once again, our vulnerable nation was virtually left to its fate. If from this immense tragedy there emerged a comforting note, it was that of human solidarity. There were magnanimous gestures. Several nations ran to the aid of Haiti. Suffice it to say that human greed and wickedness have once again won out over the magnanimity of the citizens of the planet. Haiti is still staggering. The disaster of January 12, 2010 still lives in our country. We see its depressing presence everywhere. Our nation's resilience is tested every day. Wherever you are, don't hesitate to make a gesture of solidarity with someone in need. » Reflection messages from Lesly Condé in 2023 : https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-38507-haiti-history-message-of-reflection-from-lesly-conde.html All Lesly Condé's reflection messages in 2022 : https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-38451-haiti-christmas-end-of-year-message-from-lesly-conde.html All Messages from Lesly Condé in 2021 : https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-35584-haiti-social-wishes-from-lesly-conde-on-the-occasion-of-the-new-year.html HL/ HaitiLibre
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