Haiti - UN / FRANCE : «We cannot let Haiti sink into chaos» - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - UN / FRANCE : «We cannot let Haiti sink into chaos»
27/04/2023 10:07:25

Haiti - UN / FRANCE : «We cannot let Haiti sink into chaos»
On Wednesday April 26, 2023, Ms. Nathalie Broadhurst, Deputy Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations, spoke before the Security Council on the Haitian crisis.

Intervention by Ms. Nathalie Broadhurst :


Mr. President,

I would also like to thank María Isabel Salvador for her briefing https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-39397-haiti-un-maria-isabel-salvador-stresses-the-urgency-of-the-deployment-of-a-specialized-international-force.html, and I wish her the greatest success and encouragement from France for her extremely important mission.

Mr. President,

France is very concerned by the new escalation of violence in Haiti in recent days. The Haitian people’s suffering is unbearable, and the situation continues to worsen. France urgently calls upon the international community to step up its efforts.

Insecurity in Port-au-Prince has reached levels equivalent to an armed conflict. Homicides, abductions, sexual violence, recruitment of children by gangs: the list of abuses committed in Haiti can leave no one indifferent. The absolute priority must therefore be to restore security. Collectively, we must support more effectively the Haitian National Police, which needs equipment, funding, and training. Haitian authorities have been calling on the international community since last October. We are ready, alongside our partners, to do more to improve the situation on the ground. The United Nations must also do more to support Haiti’s security, through the work of BINUH.

Mr. President,

France hopes that the Council will swiftly be able to adopt first sanctions against the criminals who are destabilizing the country. We hope that proposals can be made quickly by the panel of experts. But sanctions alone will not solve anything. Justice must be restored in Haiti. Fighting impunity must be a priority if we want to put an end to violence. The appointment of the members of the Supreme Court is a positive step in this regard.

France will also continue to encourage Haitian actors to pursue an inclusive dialogue. We welcome the efforts made to encourage broader participation in the national consensus agreement, as well as the establishment of the High Council of Transition. The objective remains convening democratic elections as soon as security conditions are met. We urge Haitian political actors to reach the broadest possible agreement to quickly appoint a Provisional Electoral Council. The political class must show responsibility in order to overcome the current deadlock.

Finally, and this will be my last point, France will remain committed to facilitating humanitarian aid, particularly in the health and food sectors. In 2023, our humanitarian aid amounts to 9 million euros to date, and we are working to mobilize additional funds in response to the needs.

Mr. President,

France will continue to support the efforts of the United Nations, the International Organization of the Francophonie, and all partners working for Haiti.

We cannot let Haiti sink into chaos. We will continue to stand by the Haitian people as long as necessary.

Thank you."

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