
Haiti - Crisis : To date, 5 countries are involved in the international intervention in Haiti 04/08/2023 09:56:27
Following the decision of Kenya https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-40134-haiti-flash-kenya-agrees-to-deploy-1-000-police-officers-in-haiti.html to take the head of an international intervention in Haiti and to send 1,000 police officers to help the National Police of Haiti (PNH) to fight gangs, 5 countries have so far expressed their support for Kenya : the United States, Canada, Jamaica, Bahamas and Ecuador.
The United States pledges support and resources l-intervention.html without specifying if this help will be financial or if they will send men, same situation for Canada
According to Todd Robinson, US Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, such a mission could cost between $200 million and $400 million a year, noting that United States will seek contributions from other countries to fund this mission.
The assessment mission of Kenya is becoming clearer and according to Todd Robinson a delegation from Kenya should begin in Haiti on August 19 and meet with the Haitian authorities and other security officials. Another part of the delegation will travel to the United States to discuss various aspects of this mission.
See also :
PI/ HaitiLibre