Haiti - FLASH : Haitians try to dig up a border boundary marker between the DR and Haiti (Video) - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : Haitians try to dig up a border boundary marker between the DR and Haiti (Video)
09/11/2023 08:08:38

Haiti - FLASH : Haitians try to dig up a border boundary marker between the DR and Haiti (Video)
Following the intense incident of Tuesday, November 7, 2023 where very motivated Haitians confronted Dominican soldiers about the delimitation of the border https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-40478-haiti-flash-the-dominican-government-announces-measures-and-issues-an-ultimatum-to-haiti-canal-river-massacre.html Wednesday, November 8, Haitians using a pickaxe and a shovel tried to dig up pyramid #13 which demarcates the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic near the area where an irrigation canal is being built in Haiti with water intake on the Massacre River.

Let's remember that the military authorities use these pyramids as a reference point to patrol the west side of the perimeter fence, while the Haitians want it to be the wall that demarcates the border...

Edwin Paraison, former Consul then Ambassador of Haiti to the Republic and President of the Zilé foundation, requests an investigation into the incidents of November 7, 2023 which occurred on the Ouanaminthe border line https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-40919-haiti-flash-high-tension-a-group-of-haitians-confront-the-dominican-soldiers-in-ouanaminthe-video.html

He believes that confusion may have been the cause of the incident, explaining that the Haitians may have assimilated the protective wall as being the border line, recalling that in the Haitian tradition a fence wall is built on the property boundary.

He specifies that this wall is built more than fifteen meters behind the terminals which delimit the territories of the two countries and emphasizes that the Dominican soldiers patrolling the west side of the wall were still in Dominican territory and according to him, the deployment of soldiers, with two vehicles and a helicopter, in this space were interpreted as an intrusion into Haitian territory aimed at blocking the construction work of the canal.

In his opinion, an investigation is necessary to question witnesses to find out the exact course of events in order to better understand the incident.

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