Haiti - Economy : The Chancellor Lamothe joined the President Martelly in Davos - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Economy : The Chancellor Lamothe joined the President Martelly in Davos
27/01/2012 14:24:38

Haiti - Economy : The Chancellor Lamothe joined the President Martelly in Davos
Laurent Lamothe, the Minister of Foreign Affairs ended on Wednesday his official visit to France, accompanied by the Ministers of Commerce, Wilson Laleau, the Minister of Planning, Hervey Day and the Minister of Tourism, Stéphanie Balmir Villedrouin. The Minister Lamothe then went to Davos, to join the delegation headed by the President Michel Martelly at World Forum of Davos on investment, where the President met with forty Heads of State and Government and hundreds of business leaders, discussing the Haitian economic situation and reconstruction efforts.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in her inaugural speech of this 42nd session of the World Economic Forum of Davos has encouraged the concept of business diplomacy, alongside the Minister of Finance of Germany, Mr. Wolfgang Schauble and the Secretary of State of the Treasury of the United States of America Mr. Timothy Geithner.

The President Martelly and the Chancellor Lamothe were asked to participate in the Forum of Davos on the implementation of new strategies of revitalization of capital and a new brand of capitalism in the business diplomacy and of development. François Baroin, the French Minister of Economy, stressed the determination of Haiti to move forward in this new form of diplomacy and more particularly the ommitments made in France by the ministerial delegation of Haiti.

Before leaving Paris, the Minister Lamothe had, for his part, reminded to the businessmen, the many investment opportunities in Haiti while noting that our country, was looking for a partnership and not a permanent assistance. The meetings with the company "Veolia Environnement", the Bank Lazard and to MEDEF (Mouvement des Entreprises de France), took place in the presence of the delegation of Haitian businessmen who were able to assert their views on economic and financial exchanges to establish and on the emergencies to manage.

In the evening, the Minister Lamothe responded to an invitation of the Haitian community of St Denis. Accompanied by Michaëlle Jean, the UNESCO Special Envoy for Haiti, the Chancellor announced that the Haitian government of Haiti now entrusted the printing of passports at the Embassy of Haiti in Paris for the Haitian communities in Europe and Africa.

The Foreign Minister and other members of the delegation will leave Europe this weekend to return to Haiti, with the exception of Mr. Ady Jean Gardy, Chief of Cabinet of the Minister, who will attend the 18th ordinary session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of Africa, which takes place from January 23 to 30 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in the perpective to obtain the full membership of Haiti in the African Union.

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