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Haiti - Health : The CCM-Haiti among the world's best
12/07/2012 11:04:28

Haiti - Health : The CCM-Haiti among the world's best
The Office of Multisectoral Coordination Committee (of CCM-Haiti) chaired by Sophia Martelly, the First Lady of Haiti, had a meeting, on June 26, with the delegation led by Mr. Mark Eldon-Edington of Global Fund and Ambassador Erick Goosby of PEPFAR (President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief). Important and positive messages, in regard to the functioning of the CCM-Haiti and of the cooperation between Haiti and the Global Fund, have been transmitted to officials by this delegation.

Following that visit to Haiti, Mr. Eldon-Edington, Director of the Division of Grants Management (DGS) of the Global Fund, who was speaking at the opening of a conference in Washington DC, has made very positive remarks on the new team of CCM-Haiti and took the opportunity to invite the CCM of other countries to follow the example of Haiti.

"We met Dr. Florence Duperval Guillaume, he Minister of Public Health and Population (MSPP), with whom we had a series of strategic discussions very fruitful, declared the Director of the DGS. One of the most remarkable things about Haiti, it is the reform of its CCM that has benefited from technical assistance of Grant Management Solutions (GMS).

In the past, we described the CCM of Haiti as 'dysfunctional', which was probably a polite word... I think today that CCM is one of the most functional I've seen and is one of the best. It is now led by the First Lady of Haiti, which is extremely committed and involved in the fight against infectious diseases. She is assisted by a very impressive team, composed of a variety of government officials, NGOs, religious organizations, of media..."

The person in charge of the DGS of the Global Fund, continued by emphasizing the seriousness and determination of the new team of Haiti "I met the CCM of Haiti last Wednesday and two things have impressed me. The first is that they take strategic oversight function very seriously. They are now very demanding about the information that they deem necessary to enable them to fulfill this oversight role. The second, resides in the fact they are determined to be the co-custodians of the national strategy for the fight against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria with the MSPP. They want a voice in the implementation of strategies and in the manner in which the PEPFAR, the Global Fund and the MSPP, invest the funds made available to Haiti to fight against these three diseases. This is a group of people really impressive especially when you consider the history of CCM."

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