Haiti - Denationalization : Audit Results of Dominican civil state registers 09/11/2013 11:13:46
Following the decision of the National Council of the Dominican immigration, October 23, to conduct the audit of civil status registers relating to children of foreigners born in the Dominican Republic and precisely measure the impact of the Case 168-13 of the Constitutional Tribunal (TC), Roberto Rosario, the President of the Junta Central Electoral (JCE) reported Thursday, Nov. 7, at a press conference, the results of this audit in the presence of members of the Committee of monitoring appointed to oversee the entire process of identification of foreigners registered in the Dominican civil registry.
The Central Electoral Council indicated that it had found in the books of the civil state of the country that, 53.847 children of 117 foreign nationalities were registered since 1929. Of these, 29,455 children were legally registered in accordance with the regulations, because their parents were residents and held a national identification card (cedula). The majority of children of foreigners, correspond to people of Haitian descent (36.326) whose 22.689 were inscribed in a regular form and 13,672 would have been improperly with invalid documents.
"I think these numbers put an end to many myths and much misinformation that did not correspond with the truth," declared the President of the JCE, while stressing that the announced figures did not match the volume of the immigrant population in the Dominican Republic, because of the absence of a registration culture of these people.
The President of the JCE, said these people improperly registered, will have the opportunity to regularize their situation in the context of Regulation Plan of foreigners [HL - as soon the formation of the National Migration Institute, by the end of December probably], as long he clarified, they demonstrate that they are born in the Dominican Republic and do not violate the Dominican laws "This way they can enjoy the same privileges as those legally registered and exercise their rights as Dominicans."
Remains to know what mean not having violate the Dominican laws and know the details of the regulation plan, before asserting that this is a good news for our compatriots.
See also :
HL/ HaitiLibre