Technology on, Telecommunications, internet, alternative energies: solar, wind, electricity, water, news..., Haiti news 7/7

iciHaiti - PNH : Several dozen police officers trained and certified against sexist and sexual violence (Video)

iciHaiti - Washington DC : Exploring new opportunities for Haiti

iciHaiti - Justice : Independent human rights expert visits the OPC

iciHaiti - Ultimatum : Obligation to label all prepackaged products

iciHaiti - Feminist : «Political Framework for an Effective and Equitable Transition»

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Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - Politic : Secretary of State Genard Joseph wants to have sign language recognized as a national language (video)

Haiti - DR : 7 Haitian fishing boats seized by the Dominican army

Haiti - USA : President Biden places Haiti on the list of major drug transit countries

Haiti - DIGICEL : «Failure» detected on an international submarine cable, against a backdrop of litigation

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Technology : Telecommunications, internet, alternative energies: solar, wind, electricity, water, news...

Haiti - Technology : Winning projects of Hackathon innovation medias
Haiti - Technology : Winning projects of Hackathon innovation medias
05/10/2018 09:53:51
44 young people participated, from Sept. 29 to Oct. 1, 2018, in the 6th edition of the Hackathon innovation medias, which aimed to promote the creation and development of innovative information products and services, to meet the needs of populations...
Haiti - Technology : Registration for Hackathon 2018
Haiti - Technology : Registration for Hackathon 2018
13/08/2018 08:20:11
The International Organization of la Francophonie, launches the 6th edition of the Hackathon competition « media innovation marathon » which aims to promote the creation and development of innovative...
Haiti - Technology : 190 Giga of Internet connection for the incubator Alpha Haiti
Haiti - Technology : 190 Giga of Internet connection for the incubator Alpha Haiti
14/06/2018 12:00:33
Jean-David Rodney, Executive Director of CONATEL informs us that the Ciné Triomphe complex has been equipped with high speed Internet access, of over 190 Giga, allowing the incubator Alpha Haiti to have all the necessary Internet capabilities...
Haiti - Technology : Augmented reality and virtual tours of tourist sites
Haiti - Technology : Augmented reality and virtual tours of tourist sites
12/06/2018 10:18:37
On June 8, the Ministry of Tourism and the École Supérieure d'Infotronique signed a memorandum of understanding for the launch of an augmented reality program and virtual tour of tourist sites...
Haiti - Technology : Soon launch of the selection competition for the incubator Alpha Haiti
Haiti - Technology : Soon launch of the selection competition for the incubator Alpha Haiti
06/06/2018 09:03:10
The first Haitian technology incubator « Alpha Haïti » implanted in the complex Ciné Triomphe, aims to provide an environment conducive to the creation of start-up, the support of innovative projects...
Haiti - Technology : Towards a Cybersecurity Warning Center
Haiti - Technology : Towards a Cybersecurity Warning Center
22/05/2018 11:05:29
A delegation from the LACNIC, the regional entity that manages critical Internet resources for the Latin America and Caribbean region, met with ing. Jean-David Rodney Director General of CONATEL to discuss the areas of cooperation...
Haiti - Technology : Haiti could miss the ICT train
Haiti - Technology : Haiti could miss the ICT train
22/05/2018 10:07:15
As part of the « World Telecommunication and Information Society Day » Jean David Rodney Director General of the CONATEL reported on the execrable quality of telecommunications infrastructure and deplored...
Haiti - Technology : The country to the space time
Haiti - Technology : The country to the space time
21/05/2018 09:35:10
At the international conference "Understanding Risk 2018" organized by the World Bank in Mexico City, the National Center for Space Studies (France) and its Haitian partners organized a session dedicated to the activities of the « Recovery Observatory...
Haiti - NOTICE : Opening of applications to participate in Haiti Tech Summit 2018
Haiti - NOTICE : Opening of applications to participate in Haiti Tech Summit 2018
16/05/2018 08:58:49
Haitian entrepreneurs interested in learning how to incorporate technology into their business model and marketing strategies are encouraged to apply now through May 30, 2018...
Haiti - Technology : Online training related to ICT for Haitian women
Haiti - Technology : Online training related to ICT for Haitian women
13/05/2018 08:38:33
« Ayitic Goes Global » is an online training program, related to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for Haitian women...

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