
Haiti - Security : Launch of the fight against juvenile delinquency and banditism in Petion-ville 04/04/2014 13:44:13
Wednesday at "Les Palms Résidence" Mrs. Yvanka Jolicoeur Brutus, Mayor of Petion-ville, gave the kickoff of the campaign against juvenile delinquency, banditism and failure to comply with remedial actions taken by the Municipal Administration in the framework of its powers, which include, inter alia, to give confidence to entrepreneurs, traders, residents and visitors of Pétion-Ville.
Accompanied by the Principal Commissioner Michel-Ange Gédéon, Director of the DDO (Departmental Directorate of the West), Patrick Rosarion, Head of the Police Station of Pétion-Ville and of Divisional Commissioner Gospel Monélus, ead of the Department of Traffic, the Mayor Petion-Ville has invited them to express to the authorities of the Commune, their concerns.
The assistance came in number to this launch exchanged friendly, their views and proposed possible solutions, with the responsible for the City Hall and the National Police of Haiti.
With the uccess of these exchanges, which allowed harmonization between the population and the authorities present, the Mayor announced that more such meetings are planned for very soon.
See also :
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