Haiti - Health : Towards the end of the conflict at Notre-Dame Hospital of Petit-Goâve ? - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7

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Haiti - Health : Towards the end of the conflict at Notre-Dame Hospital of Petit-Goâve ?
26/07/2014 12:30:36

Haiti - Health : Towards the end of the conflict at Notre-Dame Hospital of Petit-Goâve ?
Recall that the Notre-Dame Hospital of Petit Goâve continues to be paralyzed by a movement of intermittent strike began on 12 June 2014 by 80 paid employees of this institution, which claim 18 months of salary arrears https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-11365-haiti-social-notre-dame-hospital-of-petit-goave-paralyzed-by-a-strike.html . Faced with this situation, the Ministry of Health had were on site to inquire about the problem. https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-11393-haiti-social-strike-ends-at-notre-dame-hospital-in-petit-goave.html Another meeting was held about a week later with the Departmental Directorate. Meanwhile, the Departmental Administrator was transferred in parallel, due to threats uttered against the Medical Director, Dr. Watson Exantus requested his transfer and is traveling to Canada...

A conflict situation, especially complicated, as this category of employees exists nowhere in the documents of the public service and even less to the Ministry of Health, which states "[...] there are only two types of employees: civil servants and contractors approved by the Superior Court of Auditors [...] the paid employee 'à gage' falls of an internal agreement between the hospital administration and the latter, sometimes without any notice and even less administrative document, which makes it almost impossible to truly verify that these employees have 18 to 20 months of salary arrears especially in an institution identified as corrupt by local elected [...]"

On 22 July 2014, at the request of Stevenson Thimoléon, deputy of Petit Goâve and President of the Chamber of Deputies, the High Authority of the Ministry met with a delegation of this group of employees "à gage", to try to find a solution to the problem and steps very clear were arrested. The ministry emphasizes "this meeting alllowed to uncovered badges that have nothing to do with the MSPP, and worse, with false signatures scanned of the Minister of Health. The Unit for Combating Corruption (ULCC) was immediately seized of the matter."

Friday to try to resolve conflicts in the hospital, Dr. Gustave, Director of the Communal Unit of Health-Goâvienne (UCS-Gonavienne), Yves Grégoire Jean-Baptiste, director of the Health Department of West (DSO) and Alix Desir, the Representative of the unit to support the decentralization of the Ministry of Public Health, proceeded at the installation as Administrator of Nickès Poisson and of Jean-Claude Cajuste as Chief of staff of the Notre-Dame Hospital of Petit Goâve, in the presence of representative of the Primature, members of civil society, doctors and employees "à gage" that had once again temporarily lifted the strike.

Dr. Gustave promised his personal cooperation and that of the Communal Unit of Health-Goâvienne (UCS-Gonavienne) to the two new executives "[...] I promise you the collaboration of the Medical Directorate. We demand the collaboration of staff. Without the support of the staff, you will not get anywhere. You must also rely on the community of Petit Goâve [...]"

In his speech Mr. Yves Grégoire Jean-Baptiste addressing the new director declared "[...] your role will be to plan, coordinate and control all administrative activities of the hospital... you are there for early detection of any problems that are likely to affect the smooth running of the hospital. You will have to manage human resources, material resources and especially the financial resources of the hospital institution. I urge you to draw inspiration from financial management manual of the Ministry of Health. All expenses must be linked to results. Nothing should be spend if it will not lead to concrete results," then for New Chief of Staff "[...] your role is the management of human resources [...] We must communicate with employees to find out their grievances, their problems, their worries... You should always be there with them to encourage them, to mentor and to bring their grievances to the Administration and the Medical Directorate [...]"

See also :

HL/ HaitiLibre / Guyto Mathieu (Correspondant Petit-Goâve)

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