Haiti - FLASH : Problem of mandates the CEP unveils a surprising affair - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : Problem of mandates the CEP unveils a surprising affair
10/08/2015 09:43:15

Haiti - FLASH : Problem of mandates the CEP unveils a surprising affair
Sunday, during a press conference, Pierre Louis Opont, the President of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) has explained concerning the lack of mandates, which was partly the cause, of numerous violent incidents Sunday, in the first round of legislative elections.

Recall that the CEP had issued a statement the eve of elections to the attention of political parties, citing "technical difficulties" that prevented the CEP to complete the printing of mandates https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-14778-haiti-flash-important-information-for-elections.html

Pierre Louis Opont explained that the CEP had produced 500,000 warrants on the 800,000 anticipated. This large number is due to the great amount of political parties and voting centers and the authorization of the CEP, to grant to 5 representatives of political parties to simultaneously attend the elections.

The President of the CEP has unveiled the real reason for this lack of mandates, explaining that "the CEP service head, Joseph Hebert Lucien fled with information that may enable their manufacture, as well as material of CEP," indicating that the person is still on the run "He left the CEP without notifying his supervisor. We have no news so far and we can not express an opinion on his motivations," accusing Joseph Hebert Lucien, of being "the responsible for the slowdown in production of mandates," before adding "We apologize to the political parties..."

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