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Haiti - FLASH : At least 266 national schools damaged or destroyed
21/08/2021 09:34:51

Haiti - FLASH : At least 266 national schools damaged or destroyed
Marie Lucie Joseph, the Minister of National Education began on August 18 a tour of the 3 departments most affected by the earthquake of August 14: South, Nippes and Grand'Anse.

South Department :
Beginning of its tour by the Community School of Derrière-Fort (Cayes) the Minister discovered a desolation zone, nearly 3/4 of the building is destroyed and the rest will have to be demolished and the school yard is completely smashed by the earthquake strength of 7.2.

For the South department, the still provisional assessment established on the basis of information from the 6 school districts shows 90 national schools partially or irreparably damaged.

Department of Nippes :
On the way to Nippes with stops on the way to see the premises of a damaged school and a school district office, Minister Joseph joined by Odel Joseph the Departmental Director of Education of Nippes, and some school inspectors , the Minister went to the town of L'Asile where she noticed a huge apocalyptic picture stretched over several kilometers: collapsed school roofs, ripped classrooms, cracked walls ...

In fact, the first data collected show 106 schools partially or totally destroyed in Nippes.

Department of Grand'Anse :
In Grand-Anse, while some schools are still struggling to recover five years after the destructive passage of Hurricane Matthew, the disaster is amplifying. In the municipalities of Jérémie, Beaumont, Pestel, Corail and Chambellan, the earthquake hit the school park hard. Equally poignant is the image of desolation. The Departmental Directorate of Education said it has so far recorded the deaths of 3 students and more than 70 schools destroyed.

A provisional toll of 266 damaged or destroyed schools which will become even heavier when the affected high schools, school district offices and private schools are included.

Read also about the earthquake :

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