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![]() Haiti - Social : 216th of the death of J-J Dessalines (message from Lesly Condé) 17/10/2022 09:19:54
Message from Lesly Condé : "Dear fellow citizens everywhere, This year, we commemorate the 216th anniversary of one of the most fatal and significant events in the history of our country. As of October 17, the day when the founding father of the Haitian nation was cowardly assassinated in Pont-Rouge, we can say that this nation turned its back on its glorious destiny to become a lost sheep letting itself be led by partners whose benevolence leaves much to be desired. It's true that you can't change history, but when you look at the circumstances of the assassination of Jean-Jacques Dessalines, you can't help but imagine the best way for this nation, our Nation, would have chosen. On October 17, 1806, universal liberty lost one of its most authentic allies. On the occasion of the 216th anniversary of the very unfortunate event that was the assassination of the founding father of the Haitian nation, I bow down humbly before the memory of this great man; while inviting you to contemplate with me the magnitude of his contribution to the history of humanity. Today, our historians pay a worthy tribute to Jean-Jacques Dessalines, and to the unparalleled courage of the men and women who chose to accompany him in this courageous adventure against the powerful slave machine. But Emperor Jacques Premier was a visionary well ahead of his time and ours. His unwavering attachment to the ideals of justice and well-being for all earned him powerful enemies. Following his execution, his name was banished from the vocabulary of the Nation for forty years by those who succeeded him. To speak of the disappearance of Jean-Jacques Dessalines only two years after this valiant General had led an army of slaves to victory is to evoke a page in our history which gives rise to so much pain and so much regret. Indeed, for having been cowardly assassinated by some of his own brothers in arms even before being able to establish the bases of his brand new Nation, Jean-Jacques Dessalines was the victim of a double injustice. It is perhaps better to say that our Nation is the great victim because when the Emperor Jacques 1st disappeared, his vision also disappeared. The decisions that were taken after this assassination contrasted flagrantly with the philosophy of the Founding Father of the Haitian Nation. This philosophy advocated the unconditional welfare of the unknown heroes who had contributed, through their sacrifices, to the only victorious slave revolt of all time. This vision cost the life of Jean-Jacques Dessalines. The man whose life we celebrate today is not just a Haitian hero. It is a giant of planetary dimensions. He is a military genius and an ardent defender of human rights even before this concept was popularized and vandalized. There are heroes who are revered around the world for their bravery and for their brilliantly retold accomplishments. But they are mostly invaders and conquerors. They are honored for having subjugated their adversaries, and conquered their territories. Dessalines conquered freedom and for having vigorously defended it against all odds, he was assassinated. Today, the Nation of Jean-Jacques Dessalines seems inevitably to sink into chaos and destruction. Our country, which at the beginning of its existence was a dream destination for all human beings who wanted to breathe the air of freedom, is now among the countries to which no one wants to belong. The assassination of the Father of our Nation proved that hatred had replaced the love of freedom in the hearts of some of our ancestors. When we stop loving our own compatriots because of their economic or social condition, we are likely to betray our Nation. Haiti has repeatedly been betrayed by her children. This indifferent or downright hostile world will not reach out to us. Like our ancestors, we can only rely on ourselves. We must transcend our prejudices and this fear of freedom in order to surprise the world once again." Reflection messages by Lesly Condé in 2022 : https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-37692-icihaiti-social-264th-birthday-of-emperor-jean-jacques-dessalines.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-37002-haiti-social-message-from-lesly-conde-on-the-occasion-of-father-s-day-2022.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-36788-haiti-social-message-by-lesly-conde-on-the-occasion-of-mother-s-day-2022.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-36691-haiti-219th-flag-day-message-of-reflection-from-lesly-conde.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-36443-haiti-eastermessage-of-reflection-from-lesly-conde.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-36423-haiti-holy-weekmessage-of-reflection-by-lesly-conde.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-36365-haiti-219th-of-the-death-of-toussaint-louverturemessage-of-reflection-from-lesly-conde.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-36129-haiti-social-international-women-s-day-message-of-reflection-from-lesly-conde.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-35862-haiti-social-black-history-month-message-of-reflection-by-lesly-conde.html https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-35702-icihaiti-earthquake-2010-message-of-reflection-from-lesly-conde.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-35620-haiti-218th-anniversary-of-independence-traditional-message-from-lesly-conde.html All Messages from Lesly Condé in 2021 : https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-35584-haiti-social-wishes-from-lesly-conde-on-the-occasion-of-the-new-year.html IH/ iciHaiti
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