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iciHaiti - Delmas 30 : 2 bandits fatally injured, police uniforms recovered

iciHaiti - NOTICE : PAP Fire Department, 30 candidates invited to continue the selection process (list)

iciHaiti - Qatar 2025 : Return to the country of our stadium heroes (video)

iciHaiti - World Ski Championship : Congratulations from the Minister of Sports

iciHaiti - Politic : 6 new promotions at the Ministry of the Environment

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Haiti - NOTICE : New certificate for business names and online registration application

Haiti - Commerce and Industry : Minister Monazard unveils the main points of his 2024-2025 action plan

Haiti - Economy : «The war budget» orally only

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Haiti - News : Zapping...
20/03/2023 12:24:16

Haiti - News : Zapping...
USA : Conditional stay program, 3-month reprieve
Following the lawsuit filed by 20 US states against the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to demand an end to the Biden-Harris administration's conditional stay program https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-38700-haiti-new-migration-program-20-us-states-take-legal-action-against-the-dhs.html Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela Judge Drew B. Tipton will rule on this action in June 2023.
See als o: hhttps://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-38566-haiti-flash-new-us-entry-program-for-haitian-migrants-conditions-and-steps-to-follow.html

3 bus passengers kidnapped
Saturday March 18 in Martissant, 3 bus passengers (Desrosiers Decanel, Wesly Leriche and Menjer Mimy) were kidnapped under the threat of armed individuals.

Eric Casséus BRH cash manager killed by bullets
Eric Casséus, the 42-year-old cash manager in the service of the Bank of the Republic of Haiti (BRH), was fatally wounded by bullets after an attempted kidnapping. He was a week away from retirement and passed away at Bernard Mevs Hospital.

End of mission of the 2 Canadian naval vessels
The two Canadian military coastal defense vessels HMCS Glace Bay (MM701) and HMCS Moncton (MM 708) have completed their mission in and around Haitian waters https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-38978-icihaiti-canada-two-military-coastal-defense-vessels-in-haitian-waters.html "I thank our sailors for their contributions to security in the region. We will continue to support the Haitian people as they strive for a peaceful and more prosperous future," announced Sunday, March 19, 2023 Anita Anand, Canadian Minister of National Defence.

League of Nations : Gathering of the Grenadiers
5 members of the technical team arrived Sunday evening at the Hotel des Grenadiers in Santo Domingo from Paris: Valentin Houdoum (training of the Guardians), Jean Jacques Pierre Selectionneur, Damien Dinomais Physiotherapist, Marc Dauty Sports doctor, Olivier Gullier Physical trainer & mental. They joined Jean Claude Josaphat who had been there since Sunday morning. The Grenadiers will start arriving from Monday, March 20. See also: https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-39100-icihaiti-football-our-grenadiers-gather-for-their-last-2-matches.html

PAP : Installation of the President of the Special Labor Court
Me Blondine Thélusma, the investigating judge of the Court of First Instance (TPI) of Port-au-Prince, was sworn in as President ai of the Special Labor Court. She replaces Me Wisler Pierre-Louis, abroad due to illness.

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