Haiti - Politic : Bicameral Commission «wants to play» in overtime... - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Politic : Bicameral Commission «wants to play» in overtime...
27/02/2013 11:20:09

Haiti - Politic : Bicameral Commission «wants to play» in overtime...
10 days after the creation of the Bicameral Commission, responsible for designating the 3 representatives at College Transitional of Permanent Electoral Council (CTCEP) responsible for organizing the upcoming elections, nothing advances, the Commission is still on the square one and the deadline for submitting the names of 3 representatives has expired.... According to the Deputy Abel Descollines, the members of the Commission have asked verbally at the offices of the two Chambers, 5 additional days to do their "work"...

According to the Deputy Danton Léger, Recording Secretary resigned from the bureau of the Commission, "The essential thing is not to accuse one group in favor of another, because everyone is guilty. What matters now is to find a modus operandi to save the process." However, so far no attempts to reconcile the divergences and solve the crisis led...

The Deputy Sadrac Dieudonné, of minority group of the opposition "Parliamentarians for institutional strengthening" (PRI), whose members refused to participate in the Commission continues to accuse the majority bloc of deputies pro Martelly "Parliamentarians for Stability and Progress "(PSP) to be under the orders of the Executive and be responsible of the crisis "We can expect the collapse of the Commission [...] we can not build anything in the mess. This is a commission stillborn because it was built on quicksand [...] We made several appeals to reason, but nothing has been done"...

For his part, the Senator Jean William Jeanty, points the finger on the responsible for the crisis "The President has done nothing of his responsibility. Because it is his majority group in the Lower House that creates the problem," while recognizing that the Commission started badly, he estimated that both houses do not have the ability to decide and deplores the obvious lack of leadership.

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