Security : Justice, police, army, training, news... |

Haiti - Security : The mandate of MINUSTAH prolonged 14/10/2010 18:02:22 |
The 15 Member States of the United Nations Security Council agreed by consensus to extend the mandate of MINUSTAH for another year, until October 15th, 2011. It was agreed in the resolution to maintain their current staff level in the MINUSTAH... |
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Haiti - Insecurity : Distributions of arms, MINUSTAH in the fog 13/10/2010 07:31:48 |
The UN Mission for Stabilization in Haiti (MINUSTAH) said in a statement dated 12 October 2010 its concern concerning assertions the distribution of firearms in certain communes... |
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Haiti - Insecurity : Attempted kidnapping in Thomassin, one injured 12/10/2010 14:29:22 |
Last Friday, a week after a similar case that had failed, gunmen tense again, an ambush in front of a residence in Thomassin. The kidnappers forced the driver to alight from his vehicle and follow them... |
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Haiti - Insecurity : A member of Caritas killed 12/10/2010 09:39:30 |
A collaborator of Caritas Switzerland has been shot dead in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Kénord Julien, 27, cashed a check in the amount of US$2000 on behalf of Caritas at a bank in Port-au-Prince. After his stint at the bank, he sat in his... |
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Haiti - Insecurity : Weapons of war in circulation in Haiti ? 11/10/2010 12:08:00 |
On October 6th the candidate Jacques Edouard Alexis was revealed at the opening of his campaign headquarters, that the power in place was distributing firearms to its partisans with the approach of the elections... |
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Haiti - Security : Close police cooperation between the two countries 05/10/2010 12:54:58 |
Jose A. Polanco Gómez, the Dominican Police Chief, and Gerardo Chaumont, police commissioner of the Stabilization Mission of the United Nations in Haiti (MINUSTAH), discussed yesterday in Santo Domingo about the organized crime to which Haiti and... |
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Haiti - Insecurity : A Weekend of deadly violence 04/10/2010 12:46:54 |
Saturday around 7pm, unknown persons opened fire on a transit vehicle on the airport road (route de l’aéroport), a woman was killed and several passengers injured, one... |
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Haiti - Insecurity : An engineer from the IOM shot twice 03/10/2010 13:02:40 |
A Haitian-born engineer, Pierre Denis Richard, 42, responsible for the supervision of shelters construction in camp Corail-Cesselesse, employed by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), was murdered on Friday... |
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Haiti - Security : The mysterious red zones 01/10/2010 12:20:18 |
Commissioner Frantz Lerebours spokesman for the National Police of Haiti (PNH) said yesterday Thursday that the PNH had identified 10 sites they see as "red zones" because of the disturbances which are usually recorded... |
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Haiti - Insecurity : Precisions of the dominican forces armed Minister 29/09/2010 08:09:19 |
Lieutenant General Joaquin Virgilio Perez Feliz, Minister of the dominican armed forces, denied that a decision has been taken to send Dominican troops to Haiti under the command or not of the MINUSTAH... |
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