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iciHaiti - World Ski Championship : Congratulations from the Minister of Sports

iciHaiti - Politic : 6 new promotions at the Ministry of the Environment

iciHaiti - Obituary : Tribute from the FHF to Gracia Metayer Jean

iciHaiti - Prep. U-20 Poland 2026 : Victory of the Grenadières [2-0] against the «Girls Squad» of Pétion-ville (friendly match)

iciHaiti - Construction and rehabilitation of the SAEP of Belle Roche and Lindor

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Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - Politic : PNH Union gives an ultimatum

Haiti - FLASH : A FAd’H soldier killed and two others injured in violent fighting in Kenskoff

Haiti - FLASH : Our U-17 Grenadiers qualified for the Qatar 2025 World Cup (Video)

Haiti - News : Zapping...

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Haiti News | 7/7 on

Haiti - FLASH : The Government Commissioner Jean Renel Sénatus is replaced
Haiti - FLASH : The Government Commissioner Jean Renel Sénatus is replaced
27/09/2012 13:32:52
The Ministry of Justice announced that Me Jean Renel Sénatus the Government Commissioner, to the Civil Court of Port-au-Prince, has been replaced by Me Elco Saint-Amant...
Haiti - Social : Ady Jean Gardy reassures and obtains a truce in Les Cayes
Haiti - Social : Ady Jean Gardy reassures and obtains a truce in Les Cayes
27/09/2012 13:15:32
Ady Jean Gardy, gathered in Les Cayes most of the leaders of the press, of popular organizations and of the civil society and has obtained a truce of popular movements, concerning the agitation, that began to grow in the South...
Haiti - Economy : Laurent Lamothe evokes the legal framework of the mining sector...
Haiti - Economy : Laurent Lamothe evokes the legal framework of the mining sector...
27/09/2012 12:25:22
On the sidelines of the 67th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, the Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe stated that Haiti intended to update the mining laws in Haiti, dating back nearly 40 years...
Haiti - Politic : Martelly met with Ban Ki Moon
Haiti - Politic : Martelly met with Ban Ki Moon
27/09/2012 11:01:48
The Head of State of Haiti, has shown determination to rapidly tackle the problems that could hinder the building of the rule of law in Haiti...
Haiti - Social : Mgr Romélus «Hope against all hope»
Haiti - Social : Mgr Romélus «Hope against all hope»
27/09/2012 10:49:05
To more than 80 years, Mgr. Romélus, is revealed for the first time in « Espérer contre toute espérance », a book of memories. Pastor indefatigable, promoter of many social programs and of educational structures, the bishop of Jérémie...
Haiti - Social : 16 laureates haitians, to the Award of Excellence 2012, of GRAHN
Haiti - Social : 16 laureates haitians, to the Award of Excellence 2012, of GRAHN
27/09/2012 10:30:11
The approach of GRAHN fits in the quest for social progress through the promotion and encouragement of people who embody the taste for work well done, the perseverance in the quest for a better world, the surpassing of self...
Haiti - Politic : Laurent Lamothe in New York, proposes the alignment of the International Community
Haiti - Politic : Laurent Lamothe in New York, proposes the alignment of the International Community
27/09/2012 10:01:57
Within the framework of the 67th UN General Assembly, the Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe who took part Wednesday in a meeting of States says fragile (G7+), stated that the first priority of the external assistance should be to support the national...
Haiti - Politic : Intervention of President Martelly to the UN (Speech)
Haiti - Politic : Intervention of President Martelly to the UN (Speech)
27/09/2012 08:54:32
« [...] In a world where the overall trend is the formation of large economic blocs and social, the great will be able to remain great, only if they can transform the plurality of the world's children, in a single family social...
Haiti - News : Some news here and there...

Haiti - Politic : Laurent Lamothe met the President of South Africa
Haiti - Politic : Laurent Lamothe met the President of South Africa
26/09/2012 16:40:37
The Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe, accompanied by Pierre-Richard Casimir, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, met the President of South Africa, Mr. Jacob Zuma, who was accompanied by his wife and Mrs. Maïté Nkoana Mashabane...

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