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Haiti - Energy : 191 million for a hydroelectric project 30/09/2010 10:39:02 |
Celso Amorim, Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs, arrived in Haiti yesterday, handed to President René Préval, a study carried out and financed [2.5 million] by Brazil, [at the request of President Préval there 3 years] for the construction... |
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Haiti - Women's Football : Grenadières dream of qualification for the World Cup 2011 30/09/2010 07:46:44 |
During the first match that took place at Joao Havelange Stadium, Friday, September 24, 2010, our players have faced the Botafogo. No winners or losers in this first encounter that ended (0-0). The Grenadières... |
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Haiti - Health : Support Program for medical activities to Ennery 29/09/2010 14:42:57 |
With the support of the European Union (ECHO), the Comité d’Aide Médicale (CAM) will soon open its new mission in Haiti, for a medical and nutritional project in Ennery (Northeastern Artibonite), where thousands of people have settled... |
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Haiti - Elections : Leslie Voltaire, program guidelines 29/09/2010 13:46:35 |
The type of society I am proposing to you today is one that will, first and foremost rebuild the citizens’ trust in government institutions by initiating a permanent and constructive dialogue between all partners through which everybody can contribute... |
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Haiti - Education : Formation of police investigators 29/09/2010 13:15:44 |
This project arose from the observation of the weakness of court records in terms of evidence, which lengthens times of the procedure and, consequently, the duration of preventive detention. During these workshops, an investigator kit will be... |
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Haiti - Brazil : Celso Amorim comes to conclude a series of partnerships 29/09/2010 13:00:27 |
Celso Amorim, the Brazilian Minister for the Foreign affairs, arrives today at Port-au-Prince for a 2 days visit with an aim to conclude a series of partnerships. [...] The Chancellor will also offer 500 scholarships for Haitian students... |
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Haiti - Elections : Leslie Voltaire collect the grievances of the population 29/09/2010 09:03:31 |
The candidate to the presidency of the political platform, Ansanm Nou Fò (Together we are strong), Leslie Voltaire, started yesterday Tuesday a round in several areas of the country to be attentive to the grievances of the people, to integrate them... |
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Haiti - Social : Alexandre's father regrets that politics takes precedence over social 29/09/2010 08:45:27 |
Since the earthquake, more than eight months have passed and despite the activities of humanitarian organizations, it seems that Haiti is falling into oblivion", said MISNA (International Missionary News Agency) Father... |
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Haiti - Insecurity : Precisions of the dominican forces armed Minister 29/09/2010 08:33:36 |
Lieutenant General Joaquin Virgilio Perez Feliz, Minister of the dominican armed forces, denied that a decision has been taken to send Dominican troops to Haiti under the command or not of the MINUSTAH... |
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Haiti - Elections : A first observation report worrying 28/09/2010 18:30:34 |
Nineteen (19) presidential candidates, eighty-six (96) in the Senate and eight hundred twenty-seven (827) to the # deputation, were approved by the CEP. Several of them are subject to prosecution for... |
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