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Haiti - Insecurity : A Dominican presence at very high risk 28/09/2010 17:03:38 |
The United Nations Security Council has authorized the incorporation of 680 new officers to MINUSTAH. With this decision, the total number of police contingent will reach 4.391, which will join 8,940 soldiers and officers of the military component... |
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Haiti - Humanitarian : Caritas from emergency to rehabilitation 28/09/2010 13:48:56 |
The mobilization of the Caritas network, which takes emergency actions since January on the whole of the Haitian territory, made it possible to come to assistance of more than 1.5 million people... |
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Haiti - Justice : 17 people arrested following the death of policeman Guillioteau 28/09/2010 13:06:17 |
The departmental authorities of the police force of Sud' East took stock in front of the press Saturday, September 25, on the death of the police officer Guillioteau Hubert, lynched by the population of Cayes Jacmel and the fire of the offices of the... |
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Haiti - Elections : National Office of Identification fingered 28/09/2010 12:33:00 |
The delegation RNDDH/CNO in a first report notes that if the official Haitians and foreigners are pleased to have very implemented for the realization of a free poll, honest and democratic, on the ground, reality is very different... |
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Haiti - Elections : The ball of the irregularities is open 28/09/2010 09:30:53 |
Practices prohibited by the electoral law are reported by the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) in the first day of the election campaign... |
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Haiti - Canada : Michaelle Jean no longer Governor General of Canada 28/09/2010 09:26:42 |
Michaëlle Jean began his last week as Governor General of Canada [its mandate finished yesterday September 27th, 2010] and next Thursday, she will become the special envoy of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and... |
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Haiti - Elections : A campaign with uncertain progress 27/09/2010 15:06:41 |
4.5 million voters, including many refugees living in camps for displaced persons, are called to elect their new leaders. On 28 November they will be spoiled for choice, 850 candiates for 99 places in the chamber of... |
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Haiti - Elections : Who is Charles-Henri Baker ? 27/09/2010 13:34:05 |
A man of incomparable integrity and great personal strength, Charles-Henri Baker has fought tirelessly for the last seven years to bring about real change in Haiti. Always steadfast in positions, his love of Haiti and his faith in the Haitian people... |
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Haiti - Reconstruction : "The Dominican Republic, role in the reconstruction of Haiti" 27/09/2010 13:03:07 |
A roundtable, organized, last Friday by the American Chamber of Commerce in the Dominican Republic, has united under the theme "The Dominican Republic, role in the reconstruction of Haiti", several international experts Frederic Emam-Zade... |
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Haiti - Football : Jeff Louis an example for young Haitians 27/09/2010 12:10:07 |
Jeff Louis, former midfielder of AS Mirebalais (in Haiti) was born August 8, 1992 in Port au Prince and training with professionals at Le Mans FC in Ligue 2. Its simple game, his passing skills, his physical commitment, his vision of the game... |
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