Haiti - National funeral : Note from the First Lady Martine Moïse 20/07/2021 11:11:25
"The First Lady of the Republic wishes to express her deep gratitude to the Haitian people for their messages of compassion and solidarity towards their family, following the assassination of the President of the Republic HE Mr. Jovenel Moïse, in his private residence, during the night from July 6 to 7, 2021. She is very touched by all the expressions of sympathy shown towards her (*)
Your moral support gives the presidential family the courage to go through this great ordeal and helps them transcend these moments of indescribable pain.
The Office of the First Lady takes the opportunity to inform the public that the presidential family wishes to pay alone the expenses related to the funeral of the President of the Republic. To do so, it does not intend to benefit from the financial support of the Public Treasury.
However, this decision does not detract from the official and national character of these funerals, to which President Jovenel Moïse is entitled with the respect, solemnity and dignity attached to his rank of Head of State.
The First Lady thanks the national and international authorities who have paid a vibrant tribute to President Jovenel Moïse. She invites them to remain in prayer union on the day of the funeral to accompany President Moïse to his final resting place.
In this dark period of our history, the First Lady renews her wishes of courage to the entire people and joins your prayers for peace and justice to reign in Haiti.
Office of the First Lady of the Republic of Haiti"
(*) expressions of sympathy :
See also :
HL/ HaitiLibre