Haiti - Environment : Écovert-Haiti condemns the inaction and irresponsibility of the Government - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Environment : Écovert-Haiti condemns the inaction and irresponsibility of the Government
07/11/2021 08:46:26

Haiti - Environment : Écovert-Haiti condemns the inaction and irresponsibility of the Government
The environmental activist Anel Dorlean, Development Engineer, Research Coordinator of "Écovert-Haiti" is alarmed, denounces and condemns the inaction and irresponsibility of the Government "which dares to participate in the COP26", while it does not take no measure to declare "the climate emergency" or "the ecological emergency" and does nothing to prevent the collapse of biodiversity and environmental degradation in Haiti https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-30967-haiti-environment-call-to-declare-the-state-of-ecological-emergency.html

Excerpts from Alel Dorlean's speech :

"[...] If the COP 26 which opened on Monday 1st November 2021 in Glasgow, Scotland is an opportunity for States to present the efforts made to fight against climate change, for Haiti it is alarming to note that the country risks plunging into climate chaos since the Haitian State, 29 years after the signing of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in force since March 21, 1994, still does not arrive not to implement the recommendations of Agenda 21 relating, among other things, to the management of the sea, forests, mountains, water resources and waste. A simple observation on the state of sources, rivers, gullies, sewers, coastal and marine ecosystems and watersheds indicates that the country is in crisis and that we find ourselves in an impasse.

Despite the cry of alarm launched by the organization Ecovert-Haiti concerning the degradation of three of the five nuclei of Protected areas of the First Reserve of Biosphere La Selle (Pine Forest and Park) rich in biodiversity which is home to animal species and plants endemic to the Republic and their roles in carbon absorption, the Haitian State [...] has not been able to stop the degradation of forest resources […] today, only about 12,000 of the 32,000 hectares of land remain. the Pine Forest and 600 of the 2,000 hectares of La Visite National Park.

Even the two wetlands of this biosphere reserve, namely Trou Caiman Pond and Lake Azuei, which together with the wetlands of Lake Enriquillo constitute an exceptional biological value are not subject to any control.

This situation is the same for the largest natural park in the Caribbean, namely Macaya Park, which has been left to its own devices since the end of the project financed by the Inter-American Development Bank which made it possible to recruit agents to secure this high place of biodiversity, however very threatened by human activities.

The coastal zone of this biosphere reserve is not subject to any control measure despite the strong presence of mangroves https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-12469-haiti-environment-extremely-worrying-situation-of-mangroves.html which help store blue carbons.

In terms of water management. The Haitian State has taken no measures to enforce the decree of October 8, 1992 declaring fifteen water sources that supply the metropolitan area with drinking water to be of public utility.

Most of the streets of Haiti's big cities are transformed into open-air waste dump centers https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-24489-haiti-flash-ranking-of-the-shame-port-au-prince-the-dirtiest-city-in-the-world.html which are often burned on the spot, endangering the health of passers-by as well as the residents of these neighborhoods.

Haiti's biodiversity continues to collapse despite various appeals by Haitian ecological organizations asking the state to declare an ecological emergency in Haitian forests.

One wonders how such irresponsible leaders can have the courage to respond to international climate invitations when they take no action to declare a climate emergency in Haiti. [...]"

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