Haiti - Social : The couple Martelly officially launched the program «Aba grangou» (Speech) - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Social : The couple Martelly officially launched the program «Aba grangou» (Speech)
25/01/2012 12:34:40

Haiti - Social : The couple Martelly officially launched the program «Aba grangou» (Speech)
The President Michel Joseph Martelly and the First Lady of the Republic, Sophia Martelly officially launched Tuesday, January 24, 2012, at the National Palace, the National Programme for the Fight against Hunger and Malnutrition, "Aba grangou". Starting this year, 10,000 development officers will be mobilized throughout the country to accompany each 100 families.

The ceremony was attended by personalities and national and international institutions involved in this program which aims to create conditions necessary to achieve a healthy diet for all Haitians, the implementation of concrete actions of emergency and of long term to break the vicious cycle of hunger and malnutrition by 2025.

In his speech, the First Lady, Sophia Martelly, appointed President of the Commission, which will be responsible for coordinating and monitoring the activities of "Aba grangou" calls for solidarity and action, the international community, the private sector, civil society, community based organizations, the church...

Speech of the First Lady, Sophia Martelly :
"I thank the President of the Republic of the confidence shown in me and members of the Commission. Of all the tasks entrusted to the Haitian State, that of working to eradicate hunger and malnutrition is perhaps the most ambitious, but also the noblest.

The role of civil society is fundamental. The community-based organizations, churches of all denominations and business organizations are all invited to take part in this task.

Working to fight hunger is a first step towards a stable and balanced society. The commitment of the Haitian State in this struggle is irreversible. With "Aba grangou," we will open, together, to our citizens the access to nutritious food, adequate and strengthen the mechanisms for the revival of local food production.

Together, we can build a better Haiti, a Haiti without hunger, a Haiti without malnutrition, a Haiti, where, our children can finally develop their full potential.

Together, meet this challenge!

Haiti is too rich to be hungry."

For his part, the Head of State, believes that the fight against hunger is also one of the vicious circle of exclusion, the fight against social and family disintegration, disease, despair, the increase in violence and death of children. "The Hunger can not wait" concluded the President of the Republic, which calls for concrete results.

"Dear Compatriots,

To the Haiti who suffers but does not complain.
To the Haiti hungry.
It is to you I am speaking.

It is for you that Aba Grangou is addressed. To those who struggle from morning to night, but do not earn enough to eat healthily and sufficiency. It is for you that Aba Grangou is addressed

Is to you that I dedicate most of my action and that I devoted my energy.

I do not come crying for you.

We have cried too long for you but not enough done for you.

I just rather tell you that the Haitian state has ceased to capitulate before your suffering, that the state has ceased to sit back, that your state does not want to be out of economic and social policy.

I do not come talk to you of assistantship, I comes put into practice the obligatory solidarity, the basis of all social justice.

I come reconciled around "Aba grangou" those who win and those who suffer, those above and those below.

To all those that are taxed, too long taxed without accountability, none, I come say : your contributions are not lost, they are part in part to this chain of solidarity.


The economic and social policy that I impulse is simple : Not one of you will be abandoned or left without recourse.

This policy, it is at the heart of my family, it is part of our convictions. We worked for over 18 years.

Is therefore in this same spirit, that I applaud today the launch of the program of fight against hunger and malnutrition, "Aba grangou".

This program will create the necessary conditions for the reduction of half of the population suffering from hunger by 2016 and eradicate hunger by 2025.

"Aba grangou" is the result of six months of volunteer work in the assets of the First Lady, I would like to thank her. It is also the work of a technical team bringing together professional of 9 Ministries, 7 autonomous organizations, the Haitian Red Cross and the Parliamentarians sensitive to this noble cause, they are here we thank them publicly and specifically.

It is the synthesis of a joint effort that involved many partners and the participation of representatives of the United Nations, NGOs, grassroots organizations and experts in food safety. That they are honored."

Designed in three strategic axes consist of social security programs, agricultural investment and improvement of basic services, the program "Aba grangou" mobilize 9 ministries, 7 independent organizations, the Haitian Red Cross and will implement 21 government programs that will be federated, strengthened and harmonized.

The main objectives of "Aba Grangou" are :

  • Make benefit one million mothers and individuals vulnerable of money transfers and food ;
  • Permettre à un million d’enfants de moins de 5 ans de bénéficier de programmes nutritionnels ;
  • Facilitate access to one million small farmers to agricultural programs, facilities for the storage of crops, and of tanks for water storage ;
  • Accompanying 200 private investors, of medium size, for the development of carrying agricultural sectors, on land now uncultivated state-owned. »

In 2012, the Commission for the Fight against Hunger and Malnutrition, "Aba grangou" will support the preparation of National Nutrition Policy, the National Policy of school feeding and the National policy on social safety net. It will assist the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, by constituting contingency food stocks of 35 points in the territory, for 100,000 people, towards a greater investment in the agricultural sector of 6 to 10% of the Treasury.

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