Justice : Justice, Law, text, court, judge, trial |

Haiti - Justice : End of the retreat of two days of the ULCC 13/03/2012 15:17:31 |
The Unit for Combating Corruption (ULCC) concluded this weekend, a retreat of two days at Moulin-sur-Mer. Forty deputies and senators had gathered to work on a draft law on corruption... |
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Haiti - Justice : Judicial procedure against the Senators Lambert and Benoît 11/03/2012 08:58:27 |
Michel Brunache, the Minister of Justice, confirmed having received a request from Jean Renel Sénatus, the Government Commissioner asking him to send a letter to the President of the Senate in order to obtain the availability for justice... |
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Haiti - Justice : 16 women released from the civil prison of Pétion-Ville 09/03/2012 11:47:00 |
Sophia Martelly, the First Lady of the Republic of Haiti, took part, this Thursday, March 8, 2012, to the release of several women prisoners of the civil prison of Petion-Ville, on the occasion of International Women's Day... |
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Haiti - Justice : The President Martelly met all the judges of the Court of Cassation 01/03/2012 10:00:55 |
...the President Michel Martelly, held an important meeting at the National Palace, with all the judges of the Court of Cassation on a series of proposals and decisions to take for the smooth functioning of judicial power, its authority and impartiality... |
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Haiti - Justice : Formation of the Commission of certification of designated members of CSPJ 29/02/2012 11:46:35 |
Michel Brunache, the Minister of Justice and Public Security and the members designated of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary (CSPJ) have met to plan the ceremony of swearing... |
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Haiti - Justice : Market of Tabarre, 6 suspects arrested... 28/02/2012 11:39:14 |
The President Michel Martelly, held yesterday Monday, February 27, at the National Palace, an important meeting to discuss with Government officials, of actions to be taken following the fire occurred the public market of Tabarre on the night... |
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Haiti - Justice : Initiation of investigation on Jean-Bertrand Aristide ? 28/02/2012 08:19:36 |
A record of initiation of investigation, containing several serious charges against the former President Aristide, the Aristide Foundation for Democracy and former officials of his government, was filed by the Commissioner of the Government... |
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Haiti - Justice : New Court of Peace in Grande Rivière du Nord 21/02/2012 12:33:22 |
Grande Rivière du Nord now has a new Court of Peace. The construction was financed by the Minustah as part of its Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) to the tune of 96.000 U.S. dollars and include: a large hearing room, three offices and three... |
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Haiti - Justice : Installation of 4 new judges to the Court of Cassation 18/02/2012 11:01:56 |
The President Michel Martelly has proceeded this Friday, February 17 at the installation of four new judges to the Court of Cassation. The ceremony was held at the National School of Magistrates... |
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Haiti - Justice : The appeals process against Jean-Claude Duvalier is launched 07/02/2012 09:23:01 |
One week after the publication, highly contested, of the closing order of the investigating judge Carvès Jean, responsible for the case Jean-Claude Duvalier, Jean Renel Sénatus, the Government Commissioner announced that the appeals process... |
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