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iciHaiti - UEH Executive Council : Failure of the electoral process due to lack of quorum

iciHaïti - Transcultura : Environmental and landscape photography competition, registration open

iciHaiti - NOTICE : Cancellation of the 2025 National Carnival

iciHaiti - Delmas 30 : 2 bandits fatally injured, police uniforms recovered

iciHaiti - NOTICE : PAP Fire Department, 30 candidates invited to continue the selection process (list)

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Haiti - Social : FAES and IDB want to strengthen actions on the ground

Haiti - FLASH : 16 dangerous and armed individuals wanted

Haiti - FLASH : The Pope suffers from double pneumonia

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Reconstruction : Housing, rehabilitation, public services, roads, airports, ports, industries, news...

Haiti - Reconstruction : Official opening of the new bridge on the Road 9
Haiti - Reconstruction : Official opening of the new bridge on the Road 9
30/07/2016 09:50:19
Friday, July 29, following the partial collapse and closing on March 18 of the bridge over the river Grise at Duvivier (Road #9), connecting the West department at Great North took place the official opening of the new steel bridge...
Haiti - Reconstruction : 30 million euros to improve living conditions in Martissant and Baillergeau
Haiti - Reconstruction : 30 million euros to improve living conditions in Martissant and Baillergeau
24/06/2016 10:05:19
Funded to the tune of €30.1 million over 55 months, by the European Union and the French Development Agency, the Integrated Development Program of Informal neighborhoods of Port-au-Prince (AIQIP) aims to improve...
Haiti - Europe : Official inauguration of the new building of BONFED
Haiti - Europe : Official inauguration of the new building of BONFED
17/05/2016 11:06:29
Friday, the National Authorising Officer, Charles Jean-Jacques, participated to the official inauguration of the new building of the Office of the National Authorising of European Development Fund (BONFED), located in Christ-Roi...
Haiti - Reconstruction : Inauguration of the new Ministry of Public Works
Haiti - Reconstruction : Inauguration of the new Ministry of Public Works
05/05/2016 09:35:12
Wednesday in the presence among others of President a.i. took place the inauguration ceremony of new building of the Ministry of Public Works whose work had started on 14 July 2014...
Haiti - Reconstruction : Inauguration of the new Ministry of the Interior
Haiti - Reconstruction : Inauguration of the new Ministry of the Interior
05/02/2016 09:03:14
Thursday, President Michel Martelly, went to the Champ de Mars for the inauguration of the new building expected to house the Ministry of Interior and Territorial Communities...
Haiti - Reconstruction : Inauguration of socio-community infrastructures in Cité Soleil
Haiti - Reconstruction : Inauguration of socio-community infrastructures in Cité Soleil
29/01/2016 10:28:38
Thursday the President of the Republic, Michel Martelly, proceeded to the inauguration of the socio-community infrastructures projects of Wharf Wharf Jérémie, in the commune of Cité Soleil...
Haiti - Reconstruction : The new Ministry of Interior almost ready
Haiti - Reconstruction : The new Ministry of Interior almost ready
14/01/2016 10:42:39
Audain Bernadel, the Secretary of State for Local Authorities, accompanied by the Director of Administrative Affairs and Budget of the Ministry, visited the construction site of the new Ministry, located on the corner Paul VI and...
Haiti - Reconstruction : Launch of the construction project of the new Ministry of Education
Haiti - Reconstruction : Launch of the construction project of the new Ministry of Education
13/01/2016 10:49:18
Tuesday at the Marriott Hotel, the President Michel Martelly accompanied by Nesmy Manigat, the Minister of National Education, proceeded to the presentation and launch of the construction project of the new Ministry of National Education...
Haiti - Reconstruction : New town hall in Bainet
Haiti - Reconstruction : New town hall in Bainet
10/01/2016 09:42:30
The Bainet municipal administration (Southeast), who works in prefabricated premises since the January 2010 earthquake, has recently inaugurated a brand new town hall funded by the Minustah, to the tune of 4 million gourdes...
Haiti - Reconstruction : EU makes a positive assessment of its support program PARAQ
Haiti - Reconstruction : EU makes a positive assessment of its support program PARAQ
05/12/2015 10:05:14
Friday as part of the Strategic Plan of Development of Haiti developed by the Haitian government, Vincent Dégert, Ambassador of the European Union in Haiti has gave a positive assessment of the implementation of the Support Programme for Reconstruction...

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