Haiti News | 7/7 on Haitilibre.com |

Haiti - Politic : Towards a communication consistent and sustained of the Government 21/11/2012 13:40:06 |
Directors of Communication of all ministries and autonomous agencies of the State get organized to harmonize their activities with the Ministry of Communication... |
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Haiti - Social : First anniversary of the radio station RVHTCI in «Providenciales» 21/11/2012 13:24:36 |
The « Radio Voice of Haitians » never ceases to inform the Haitian population of Providenciales, officially estimated at about 25,000 people, or 49% of the inhabitants of this British Isle... |
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Haiti - Social : Christela Jacques, Miss Haiti 2012 21/11/2012 12:44:52 |
Christela Jacques, 1.77 m, 52 kg, 19 years old, a student at College Académique Moderne in Petion-ville, was chosen Miss Haiti 2012, she succeeds to Anedie Azael [2011] and Sarodj Bertin [2010]... |
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Haiti - Training : Construction of 5 new Vocational Training Centres 21/11/2012 12:13:44 |
« The decision to create professional and technical centers across the country, was taken by the President Martelly in December 2011 and the implementation of various projects from national and international resources, attest of this political will... |
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Haiti - Justice : The network Clifford Brandt has the ability to overthrow the Government 21/11/2012 10:30:20 |
In Europe, the President Martelly declared « It is the first time in Haiti we dismantles a network of bandits of this magnitude, and I tell you squarely, this network is stronger than the State... |
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Haiti - Social : Facilitation Centre for institutions working with disabled people 21/11/2012 09:48:50 |
Mr. Odnel Eléazard, Programme Officer, to the organization Christian Blind Mission (CBM), announced that the CBM, just established a facilitation center to assist institutions and organizations working with people with disabilities... |
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Haiti - Economy : The government releases 5 billion Gourdes of emergency 21/11/2012 09:25:42 |
Marie Carmelle Jean Marie, Minister of Economy and Finance confirms that the reduction of 30 to 50% of certain budget items have allowed to release 5 billion Gourdes of Treasury... |
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Haiti - Social : Strengthening of the security throughout the national territory 21/11/2012 08:54:43 |
The Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe presided Tuesday, a special meeting of the Superior Council of the National Police (CSPN), to decide on the new provisions for improve the security climate in the country... |
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Haiti - Sports : Sports Complex for disabled in Cap-Haitien 20/11/2012 12:09:23 |
This sports complex adjacent to the Rehabilitation Centre Pascale Aurélie Toussaint, within the Hospital of the Baptist Convention of Quartier Morin, has a gym with exercise equipment, a basketball court and handball... |
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