Haiti - Petit Goâve : Students of College Saint-Ignace under stones and tear gas - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Petit Goâve : Students of College Saint-Ignace under stones and tear gas
08/10/2014 11:37:02

Haiti - Petit Goâve : Students of College Saint-Ignace under stones and tear gas
Tuesday, the Democratic Opposition Bloc (BOD) [affiliated to MOPOD https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-12191-haiti-politic-the-opposition-front-divides-in-petit-goave.html ], took once the streets of Petit-Goâve. The demonstrators first threw stones on the College Saint-Ignace at the street Saint-Paul, to force the directorate to release students before attacking officers of the Departmental Unit for Maintenance of Order (UDMO) wounding one of them.

The agents of UDMO responded by firing tear gas. At College Saint-Ignace, students trapped in this confrontation was struggling to breathe. Three students with serious breathing difficulties fainted. Clashes that have triggered panic among parents who were running in all directions in an attempt to pick up their children.

During the day, in several places in the city, protesters attacked police officers with stones. Residents of the street Pétion, street saint-Paul, Avenue Gaston, Jubilé, Marché Séradot have been the collateral victims of tear gas...

Tuesday evening on the air of Radio Preference FM, Me Alain Pierre, Nosalhito Soliman and Francis Lindo announced a truce Wednesday and Thursday in preparation for a meeting with Réginald Delva, the Minister of the Interior and Local Government around a resolution of the crisis, that persists in the city Soulouquoise for more than two weeks... "For two days, there will be no manifestation in Petit-Goâve," declared Alain Pierre, who asked all the men and women who were victims of brutality of UDMO agents and other groups to join Wednesday the Mixed Liberation Front (FML) on the ground. A complete record of aggression and abuse will be submitted Thursday to Minister Delva," announced Nosalhito Soliman.

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HL/ HaitiLibre / Guyto Mathieu (Correspondant Petit-Goâve)

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