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![]() Haiti - i-Vote : Results eighth week 24/10/2010 10:14:06
Charles Henri Baker (1) remains at the top of the group but blows itself, as we noted in previous weeks, he lost ground in the intention of i-Vote for 3 weeks (Week 6 -0.18% Week 7 -0.07% and this week -0.38%). Mirlande Manigat (2) made a strong rebound this week (+1.01 %) after rising 0.99 % last week (+2 % in two weeks) reducing his gap with Baker, who was last week of 9.95% and 8.56% this week. Léon Jeune (3) maintaining its position in the standings while registering a slight increase of i-Vote +0.24%. Note that this candidate is growing every week for 8 consecutive weeks. The largest increase for a candidate in the first 4 places is determined by the candidate Manigat (+1.01%) Pack of candidates: Led by Baker, the pack of candidates is now split into 4 groups : Group I : positions 2, 3 and 4 candidates clash in a difference of 2.35% for the intention of i-Vote(between 2nd and 4th position) while the previous week the gap was 1.32%, Manigat, widening the gap at the top of this group Group II : positions 5, 6 and 7 side by side, candidates compete in a 0.62% gap (between 5th and 7th postion). 8.60% separates the top candidate in this group (Voltaire Leslie), from the Group I. The difference between Group II and Group I increased slightly + 0.15% Group III : positions 8, 9, 10, 11 candidates compete in a handkerchief, the difference is 0.40% (between 8th and 11th position). 1.86% separates the top candidate in this group (Jeune Jean Chavannes) from Group II. This group reduced the gap (- 0.08%) and slightly closer to Group II. Group IV : positions 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 candidates are competing in a gap of 1.34% of intention of i-Vote (between 12nd and 19th position). 0.52% separates the top candidate in this group (Yvon Neptune) from Group III. This group reduced its gap (- 0.15%) and slightly closer in Group III. For this 8th week: 2 candidate win seats and 2 lose The winners : Voltaire Leslie won 1 seat (from the 6th to 5th position) due to a gain of + 0.05 % in the interntion of i-Vote in conjunction with the simultaneous decline in intentions of i-Vote for Céant Jean Henry (-0.34%) Abellard Axan D’Elson won 1 seat (from the 11th to 10th position) due to a gain of + 0.03 % in the interntion of i-Vote in conjunction with the simultaneous decline in intentions of i-Vote for Charles Éric Smarcki (-0.13%) The losers : Céant Jean Henry lost 1 seat (from the 5th to 6th position) due to lower of -0.34 % in the intention of i-Vote and gain of position of Voltaire Leslie which downgrades it. Charles Éric Smarcki, lost 1 seat (from the 10th to 11th position) due to lower of -0.13 % in the intention of i-Vote and gain of position of Abellard Axan D’Elson which downgrades it. This week, the white vote is 3.34%. The white vote (vote blanc) is used by Internet users to express their disagreement the elections of November 28, 2010 or that none the candidates is appropriate to them. Nothing is played. The election campaign began Friday, Oct. 15, candidates will therefore increase their intervention in the media and publicize their programs and commitments (we hope) that could influence the intentions of i-Vote. There are still 5 weeks (5 other results) that could still see many changes of positions in the standings, the gaps for many candidates is very low. Get involved and i-Vote for the candidate of your choice. Next results Sunday, October 31, 2010 For i-vote : https://www.haitilibre.com/i-vote.php ![]() Recall that the HaitiLibre.com i-Vote office, lets you vote for the candidate of your choice. I-Vote record the tendency of Internet users, it is not an official vote. They measure the popularity of a candidate or his party, his ability to mobilize and relevance of the candidate, his commitments and his program. You can i-vote once per 24 hours for the candidate of your choice (but nothing prevents you to vote once every day for your candidate or for another if you change allegiance). Note that if the majority of candidates (12) have released their bio or CV (see i-Vote, available links under the picture of the candidates) some are slow to do so for various reasons : the candidates do not answer our requests, information is not available or exists only in English (!!). Concerning the program guidelines, very little forwarded them to us (8), for reasons similar to those outlined above. We recall that in the electoral process candidates have a duty to inform voters about their skills and outline their programs, that of the media is tpo contributing to the dissemination of this information with the public. Every Sunday we will publish the i-Vote results on the website HaïtiLibre.com with trends compared to previous scores (upward or downward). I-Votes are cumulative from August 28 to November 21, 2010 inclusive, date of publication of our latest results (one week before the electoral deadline of November 28th, 2010). For i-vote : https://www.haitilibre.com/i-vote.php See also : https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1118-haiti-i-vote-results-first-week.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1168-haiti-i-votes-results-second-week.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1220-haiti-i-votes-results-third-week.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1280-haiti-i-votes-results-fourth-week.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1333-haiti-i-votes-results-fifth-week.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1392-haiti-i-votes-results-sixth-week.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1442-haiti-i-votes-results-seventh-week.html The candidates https://www.haitilibre.com/en/candidates.php (english) https://www.haitilibre.com/candidats.php (french) The propgrams https://www.haitilibre.com/en/programs.php (english) https://www.haitilibre.com/programmes.php (french) HL/ HaitiLibre Reproduction prohibited without written permission All rights reserved HaitiLibre.com 2010
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