Haiti - FLASH : Roadmap of the Minister of Tourism 05/04/2017 10:04:41 In this perspective, I ask you to take the following actions : Roadmap of the Minister of Tourism : "- Establish a High Level Commission to define a master plan for the development of the sector for the next 25 years; - Drafting and make vote by Parliament the law relating to the tourism code (general organization, activities and professions, accommodation, facilities, tourism taxation, etc...) - Work with relevant ministries to facilitate the annual increase in the number of tourists visiting Haiti; - Define and apply regional and local tourism patterns; - Establish a National Tourism Development Agency (ANDT); - Drafting the inter-ministerial decree regulating the development of the environmental framework for tourist sites; - Continue and strengthen the promotion of the tourism industry; - Work with the relevant agencies to create a guarantee fund for the tourism sector and reduce the risk of lending agencies that want to support this sector; - Create a digital platform for the promotion of the tourist site of La Citadelle; - Work with the relevant bodies to set up an incentive system to encourage the creation of retirement villages to accommodate members of the diaspora as well as foreigners. A partnership will be sought with the Haitian Medical Association (AMH) and the Haitian Medical Association of Foreign Countries (AMHE) and the private sector to develop a medical shelf of international standard in support of the implementation of this project; - Work with the competent bodies in order to put in place a policy for the development of the Islands; Promote, in conjunction with the private sector, new industries oriented to tourist activities: A) Turtle Island: theme park on piracy, valorisation of archaeological heritage, historic, seaside resort. B) Cow Island: recreation and ecotourism. C) La Gonâve: financial center, ecotourism, maritime pavilion. - Define plans for the development and enhancement of sites and develop Private Public Partnership Projects (PPPs), integrating the town halls to enhance the many high potential sites throughout the country by involving the diaspora; - Reinforce the professional capacities of tourism operators by retraining staff providing tourist services; - Work with the State University of Haiti (UEH) to strengthen training and research programs in History, Memory and Heritage to help develop tourist sites valuation projects; - Launch, together with the private sector, the construction of a cable system linking Labadee to La Ferrière Citadel; - Strengthen institutional capacities through the creation of regional directorates and the creation of a consultative framework between the public and private sectors, local authorities and host communities; - Strengthen the capacities of public institutions involved in the management of tourism flows; - Using multinational tourism companies to develop hotel chains, amusement parks and retirement villages; - Make a systematic campaign on the offer of Haitian tourist products to the middle classes of the developed countries and the diaspora; - Establish public / private partnerships to develop Priority Tourism Zones. I ask you to start preparing the 2017-2018 Budget, which will have to be approved by the Council of Ministers, after arbitration by the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, and filed within the required legal timeframe in Parliament. You will also have the task of increasing transparency, the fight against corruption and the good management of public property. It will be up to you to organize, direct and animate the services, teams and agents of the State placed under your responsibility. Jack Guy Lafontant, Prime Minister." See also : https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-20559-haiti-flash-roadmap-of-the-minister-of-the-diaspora.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-20549-haiti-flash-big-roadmap-for-the-minister-of-agriculture.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-20544-haiti-politics-roadmap-of-the-minister-of-trade-and-industry.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-20529-haiti-politics-roadmap-of-the-minister-of-finance.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-20519-haiti-politics-foreign-affairs-roadmap.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-20508-haiti-flash-roadmap-for-the-establishment-of-the-haitian-army.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-20446-haiti-politics-major-projects-of-the-ministry-of-tourism.html HL/ HaitiLibre
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