Social : Demonstrations, strikes, religion, migration, Dominican Republic, news... |

Haiti - Social : News of the week of the Diaspora 19/04/2012 11:49:15 |
...in Haiti, of elected Haitians from broad and parliamentarians of Haiti, shared their experiences of power - Montreal : second edition of Cocktail Exhibition of Group DP Consultations - Chicago : a new Haiti - Florida : special event... |
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Haiti - Social : Personal message of President Martelly to the population 19/04/2012 07:20:39 |
The President Michel Martelly is released from the hospital yesterday Wednesday. He will now take a few days of convalescence before returning home. The President addressed, in a brief personal message, his first words to the Haitian people... |
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Haiti - Social : Week of the Diaspora - Program of Sunday to Thursday 18/04/2012 11:57:07 |
From April 16 to 22, 2012 takes place the Week of the Diaspora, on this occasion several activities are planned as part of the realization of this event who want to be a tribute to the Haitian communities abroad.... |
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Haiti - Social : Perceptions and Perspectives of the host countries on the Haitian diaspora 17/04/2012 15:09:52 |
The week of activities organized around the National Day of the diaspora, continued on Tuesday 17 April, with a panel on the perceptions and perspectives... |
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Haiti - Social : «Keep Haiti green and beautiful» 17/04/2012 12:58:54 |
The Consulate General of the Republic of Haiti in Chicago will proceed Thursday, April 19, 2012, at the official launch of the program: « Keep Haiti green and beautiful » initiated by the President Martelly and the Responsible of the Liaison Office... |
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Haiti - Social : Week of the Diaspora - Program from Monday to Wednesday 16/04/2012 15:25:23 |
The Ministry of Haitians Living Abroad (MHAVE), officially launched Monday, April 16, 2012, the week of activities surrounding the National Day of the Diaspora... |
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Haiti - Social : 245 Haitian families allowed to enter Brazil 16/04/2012 12:36:57 |
Blocked at the border between Peru and Brazil, from January 15, 2012, in the small Peruvian town of Iñapari, 245 Haitian families in irregular status, were finally authorized to enter on the Brazilian territory... |
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Haiti - Social : The Minister of Interior at the 12th meeting of GFDRR 15/04/2012 11:43:07 |
Me Thierry Mayard-Paul, the Minister of Interior and Local Authorities has left the country Friday for the United States, at the head of a delegation to attend the 12th Consultative Group (CG) meeting... |
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Haiti - Social : Christella back to life 7 days after her death ! 14/04/2012 13:12:08 |
After spending 7 days in a morgue of Port-au-Prince, Christella Hector, a teenage girl aged 16 has regained life and his parents Friday, April 13, 2012, in the locality of Pasquete, about 3 kilometers from the town of Jacmel... |
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Haiti - Social : The Responsible Fatherhood Act, finally voted 14/04/2012 10:47:48 |
Thursday, the Senate has unanimously voted the Responsible Fatherhood Act and the parentage of children. The bill, presented by the deceased deputy Gérandale Thélusma in 2010, and initiated at the time, by Marie Jocelyn Lassègue, then Minister... |
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